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His kiss is deeper, more intense, and somehow more meaningful than ever.

Even more intense than our first not so long ago.

The first kiss as two souls sharing more than just pleasure.

Two souls who will never hold anything back from the other ever again.

Even though we’ve only just met, it’s like coming home after a thousand years.



I’ve always gotten what I wanted as much as I can remember, but finding someone like Holly who had a little game plan of her own?

Well, that makes me feel something I haven’t felt before.

At least, I’m pretty sure I haven’t.

My need to claim her, be inside her, and fill her with my seed is stronger than ever.

But once she tells me everything, I know she’s already mine.

My present under the tree.

I’ve done more than just shake the box and had more than a peek inside the wrapper, but I still know deep down that the best surprises are yet to come, and all of them are with Holly.

I look down over her still-shivering body as it twitches and jerks in the best possible way after such a climax.

Her smooth, milky-white skin and huge breasts ripple, begging to be touched all over again.

She looks relieved but concerned still, and then it registers.

The ten-inch man cannon resting against the inside of her leg looks like it might go off any second, and maybe the next thing I’ll demand from her is total compliance as I fill her until she squeals.

But I can see she’s not ready just yet.

And I don’t want her first time, our first time to be in a shitty apartment, either.

“You sure you’re not mad?” she finally asks, making me realize I’ve lost myself in looking at her, feeling her against me all over again.

“I’ll never be mad at you,” I pledge, taking her face in one hand and pressing my lips to her cheek. Breathing in her scent deeply, feeling my heart thump against my ribs as her loosened blond bangs tickle my face and neck.

“We can go as fast or slow as you want,” I add. “And as much as I could stay on this couch forever with you, I think it’s high time we went someplace a little classier, don’t you?” I ask thoughtfully.

I think it’s a good suggestion, even adding we can find out who I am a little better along the way, but she looks suddenly hurt.

My head aches again, but not from the bump. It’s like it is now. Every time she’s hurting or not smiling, I feel it too.

“I… I do the best I can, ya know. To get by,” she says, a teardrop forming at the corner of one of her baby blues, which I kiss away immediately.

“I know you do,” I tell her, wishing I knew a little more myself so I could be certain of exactly what I can offer her.

A sudden thumping on her apartment door makes her jump, and seeing her eyes widen with fear, I feel my own narrow as I stand, zipping myself up.

“Steve,” she calls out to me as if she knows or senses something I can’t, but Holly’s with me now, and anyone that pounds on her door like this is pounding on mine too.

In two long strides, I’m at the door, which I swing open, shirtless and feeling my free hand flexing into a fist before this schmuck gets a second chance at pounding.
