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Somehow I just know that when I wake up again, Holly, my angel, is gonna be the one to help me piece this mystery together.

And I’m gonna be the one to find out just what she has under that puff parka, even if it kills me.



I should’ve told him I have his wallet.

It would savea lotof guesswork. Might have a pretty obvious clue, like a business card or even a credit card.

Although, it did seem pretty empty when that random guy slung it back. And he did say they tookeverything.

But I just can’t bring myself to look, let alone tell him.


I guess I have a confession to make, and long before my life even gets naughty enough to even worry whether Santa’s watching or not, I know I’m holding some things back from him.

But only so I can be with him. Only so I can keep this mysterious and thrilling feeling alive.

It’s about as exciting as my life’s gonna get, so why not enjoy it?

Pretend to, at least. Hell. I don’t even know who the guy is, so why should I care?

See, a girl like me, I don’t usually have anyone give me the time of day, let alone grab ahold of me, demanding I tell them I’m on their special tandemteam.

And definitely, nobody who looks, smells, and feels as good as he does.

I’m outspoken, strong-willed, and never hesitate to get my hands dirty.

I make nail guns, for Christ’s sake.

Well. I used to.

But this world doesn’t really have a place for thick-set girls with a mouth and a mind of their own.

It seems that there are not many real men lining up for that sort of action.

And right this minute, my man is flat on his back onmybed which doubles as a couch.


I really should call an ambulance.

A guy like this… he’s bound to have insurance.

But that grin on his face disarms me a little.

Okay. It disarms mea lot.

It’s like every fantasy, every wish I’ve had has suddenly come true.

The man of my dreams, helpless and injured with what appears to be a raging hard-on, is sprawled on my couch.

There are no pleats that thick. Not on any pants.

I’d be terrified if it wasn’t for that damned smile on his face.
