Page 24 of Mama

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Looking around, I try to figure out how I’m going to get into Echo’s nest. He just jumps down whether he’s in cat or bipedal form, but there’s no way I could do that even if I wasn’t hefting around a thousand pounds of baby kraken. With no other way, I maneuver myself down onto the ground before hanging my feet over the edge of the pit. It’s not a long way down, and there are plenty of cushions to break my fall, so I should be fine. I slide my bottom over the edge and rather ungracefully land in the pit on my knees. It’s soft, so there’s no pain, and a rush of air flies up, surrounding me with the most incredible fucking smell—frost and crisp apples.

Omega. Mine.The voice I heard only once back on Iceen decides to make itself known, and my body starts to move like it’s been taken over by another being, rolling around in the nest and covering the cushions with our own scent, while also trying to absorb as much of this one as we can. Purring sounds, like when Link fucked me, rumble out of my chest, but this one is a little deeper and more insistent.

This is fucking crazy. It’s like having a split personality. Just call me Kevin or Patricia.

When I was with Link, I felt the need to submit, but now I have an overwhelming desire to make Echo submit to me. I want to push him to the ground and ride his cock like it’s a pogo stick. I grit my teeth and stop my movements. What the fuck is going on with me? I feel like I’m bipolar with all these different urges and needs. I feel a burn in my shoulder, and I just know a new attraction mark has appeared.

“Oh, come on!” I shout out loud. “Seriously, aren’t there already enough?”

My back must look like a Salvador Dali painting with all the different attraction marks on it. That brings my total to six, but I am still in denial about the horny can of tuna’s mark. Sure, he’s hot, but he’s an arrogant, delusional dick. Maybe if he stops thinking with his little head and starts thinking with the one on his shoulders, I will consider his offer. I mean, it would be no hardship. I’ve had my tentacle on his dick and, well, it was really nice.

Until these babies are born, though, and I can wrap my head around being a mother—Holy fuck!—I am pretending everyone else doesn’t exist. I have two mates and two fiancés, and nothing and no one else.

I throw my arms out, starfishing as wide as I can in this nest that smells like everything I want to put in my mouth, which is a nice change from raw fish. Flapping my arms up and down, I make nest angels before rolling over and curling into a ball. I think a nap is in order. I have been working so hard to grow these babies, and it’s taking everything out of me. Mandatory mommy naps are most definitely a thing.

I reach down and pull up one of the blankets that are conveniently placed at the base of the round nest. When I draw it over me, another fresh fragrance assaults my senses—peppermint and fresh snow. I bring it up to my face and inhale deeply before rubbing it all over my exposed skin, then I come to my senses.

“Agghh!” I scrunch my eyes closed and try to ignore the great need the scent causes in me. My panties are practically dripping, so I’m going to make a mess of Echo’s nest. I need to get out. I sit up and look up at the side that seems so far away now that I’m in here. Crap, I didn’t really think this through. How the fuck am I going to get my pregnant ass body out of the nest?

A sound has my ears perking up. It’s the sound of the door opening. Fuck, someone is going to see me. In a panic, I yank pillows and blankets up and over my body, hiding me from plain sight. I shiver as the two complementary scents bombard my senses and squeeze my legs tight in an urge to ease the ache, praying no one will see my movement.

If anyone were to look down here, all they would see is an empty nest piled high with softness. Then, when whoever it is leaves, I will call Xavier and ask him to come get me and hope he doesn’t laugh his fucking head off at my predicament—or get angry and remove Echo’s cute little furry face from his sexy as fuck body. I mean, you have to see that cat in a loincloth. Thank you to whoever decided that was the most appropriate fashion for a subzero temperature environment.

I strain my ears in the hope I can make out footsteps, but I hear nothing, only the sound of the door latch clicking. I wait a moment longer, but when no footsteps approach, I feel the tension in my body melt away. I push back the blankets and sit up. “Phew, not caught.”

“Oh, but I disagree.” The unexpected voice has me shrieking, picking up a cushion, and hurling it in their direction.

The person I threw it at dodges it and jumps gracefully down into the pit before me. Echo’s white fur practically blends into all the beautiful fabrics that are down here, but his bright blue eyes are vivid with amusement and something more—lust!

“Lila, lovely, are you making yourself comfortable in my nest?” The omega’s nostrils flare, his whiskers twitch, and his furry eyebrows jump. “Very comfortable, if I’m not mistaken.” Echo starts to purr, and I can’t help myself as I join him. He collapses to his knees and crawls toward me, his tail twitching behind him as his cute furry ears tilt in my direction.

“I’m so sorry, Echo. I was tired, and your nest looked so comfortable, and when I got down here, I realized I couldn’t get back up,” I splutter out, frozen on the spot, not wanting to agitate him any further for being in his nest, but all he does is rub his furry cheek against mine, butting me gently with his head until I fall back against the cushions. Once there, he lies next to me and snuggles in, wrapping his arms around my body and stroking my stomach.

“I love nap time, and now it’s even better because it smells like you in here. It’s delicious.” His chest vibrates against my back, his purring a soothing rumble that makes my eyes heavy. “Close your eyes and rest, beautiful mama. I don’t mind sharing my nest with you.”

His words are quiet and soothing, and my eyes drift closed, my tired body winning the battle over my hormones. As I drift off to sleep, I think I hear him say something else.

“I’m hoping to share a lot more with you soon.”

* * *

“What the fuck is going on here?” The demanding roar is ear-splitting, and I scream in fright and try to sit up, but I’m held down by a soft, furry arm. Fuck, Echo. I look up at the top of the nest, and standing there with his arms crossed, his tail flitting agitatedly behind him, is Maxsim.

“Shush,” Echo hushes his mate. “We were napping.” He rolls over onto his back, releasing me from my confinement, and stretches like a sleepy kitty. It’s cute as fuck, and I’d probably stroke his belly if it wasn’t for the fuming alpha male above us. I scoot back, trying to put a little distance between me and the pretty omega. What was I thinking, letting him snuggle me like that? Oh, right, he’s hot as fuck and makes my pussy tingle.

Fuck, Lila, get it together. No pretty pussy for your pussy.

“Napping?” Maxsim scoffs in disbelief.

“Yes, Max. Lila is pregnant, and pregnant people get tired easily. Napping is essential for the development of the fetus. You coming in here and roaring like that disturbed us both.”

“It looked more like mate stealing to me,” Maxsim growls, baring his teeth, and my children choose that moment to do a roll, causing me to pee my pants a little. Okay, fine, they didn’t move. It was the big bad kitty that scared the pee out of me.

Echo scoffs, rolls onto his front, and stretches upward in a very feline-like stretch, and I have to swipe my finger across my mouth to make sure I’m not drooling. “She can’t steal me if I want to be here.”

Maxsim roars his unhappiness to the ceiling again, the sound echoing around the living room. “How dare you steal my omega?” He points at me, and I’ve had enough. I’m tired and uncomfortable, and now I’m grumpy because I was woken up during an amazing sex dream before my orgasm.

“Oh, why don’t you go fuck yourself?” I tell him, my voice changing slightly. His arm drops, and his face takes on a frown, but he steps back from the pit until we can’t see him. He starts to grunt and breathe heavily like he’s in pain. Holy shit, is he having a heart attack from stress? Does he have a heart to have a heart attack from? Echo and I exchange a glance, and we both scramble to our feet. Echo looks torn between staying with me and going to see what happened to Maxsim.
