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“We are talking about our son. You can shut the hell up!”

“Make me.” This was the first time I was seeing Brianna worked up. Whatever had been said and done before I got here must have been big.

“Do you see how she is talking to the mother of your child?” She turned her attention to me. “This is disrespectful Gabriel. She is the help. I carried Michael for nine months. Does that not mean anything to you?”

“What I can see is someone who has come into my home. Disrupted the peace within it and is currently attacking my woman.” I walked over to Brianna and circled my arm around her waist. “Leave before I make you leave, Adriana.”

If looks could kill I would have dropped dead where I stood. Adriana had a look of rage painted on her face. Her jaw was locked in place and her fists balled at her side.

Before I could even fully register what was going on she lunged at Brianna and punched her square in the jaw.

Brianna let out a screech but she managed to dodge the rest of Adriana’s attacks.

After a few seconds of my brain catching up to the current scenario at play I grabbed Adriana and pulled her off Brianna. She clawed at me trying to break free but I had a tight hold on her.

I walked us to the elevator and placed her inside of it.

“I can’t believe you are picking her over me. This is not fair Gabri—”

“I’m done with you, Adriana! We are divorced. There is no going back for us. If you weren’t the mother of my child I would have you arrested and charged. Be grateful I’m just letting you go.” Every word I spoke was coated in toxic venom that had her shrinking back. She knew not to make me mad. It was never a pretty sight. “If you ever lay another hand on Brianna again I will ruin you. There won’t be a single place in this city that you would be able to find refuge. Do I make myself clear?”

She remained silent.

I slammed my hand behind her head causing her to flinch.

“Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?”

She nodded once and that was enough for me.

I stepped away from her and let the elevator close. She gave me one last death glare before the doors closed.

I turned to find Brianna looking at me with an unreadable explanation. She was leaning against the couch and one of her hands was cradling her jaw.

I walked over to her, careful not to step on any shards. “Are you okay?”

She just stared at me without saying anything.

“Brianna, are you okay?”

She tore her gaze from mine and looked down at her feet. “Yeah. It’s just a few cuts.”

She had blood streaming from her shins.

“Let’s get you cleaned up.” I went to grab her hand but then I stopped when I saw shards all over the place.

Without even asking I picked her up bridal style and walked her to the nearest bathroom.

“I am capable of walking, Mr Farrington.” She protested. “You don’t have to carry me.”



“Shut up.” I kicked the door open and placed her on the counter top. “Where is the first aid kit?”

I looked in the cupboards and finally found it under the sink.

I got down onto my knees and got to work on cleaning her up. I grabbed the back of her shin and started dabbing the blood away with some cotton wool and alcohol. I couldn’t feel her muscles tense up in my hold. Her hands gripped the sides of the counter for dear life.

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