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Brianna: Nope. For all I know she could have crossed state lines. She will turn up eventually when she runs out of cash or she gets arrested for something.

Alana: sorry Bri <3 just remember I love you okay?

Brianna: I love you too.

I turned my phone off. My mother was a topic I preferred not to discuss. All I wanted was for her to get better and get onto a better path. But all she cared about was finding her next fix. There was a part of me that hoped she never returned. She had taken so much from me over the years that I just couldn’t deal with it anymore. All she ever did was ruin things. I needed to be selfish for once in my life and pick me for a change.

I turned to my left and looked at the ring that sat on my nightstand.

The ray hit the diamond just right causing it to glisten. I reached for the ring and analyzed it.

It was a gorgeous oval shaped diamond set on a diamond encrusted platinum band. It was bold and flashy—everything that I wasn’t. But still a beautiful diamond nonetheless.

I had worn it every time I went out with Michael for our walks. It felt like I was a walking billboard. I had been worried someone would try and mug me for it.

Often strangers would stop and tell me how gorgeous it was which only made me want to hide it more. But Gabriel and I had agreed. I had my part to play.

I needed this money to make up for everything my mother had taken. And for Europe. That was the one thing I was holding onto. After everything was said and done, I could then step away from the spotlight.

I didn’t know if I wanted to even step out of this room. I didn’t know how I was going to face Gabriel after last night.

I had smelt the alcohol on him. So maybe he wouldn’t remember last night. At least that was the hope. He was going to kiss me last night and I was going to let him. I wanted him too. Had he not pulled away then I would have been talking about something entirely different.

Gabriel was easy on the eyes but he was off limits. I was his son’s nanny. To the rest of the world I would soon be known as his wife to be. But behind these walls we knew the true relationship.

There were big red lines that were simply not allowed to be crossed.

I heard the faint mumbles of Michael through the baby monitor and got out of bed.

“Time to get to work.” I mumbled as I walked to the nursery in my large shirt.

I opened the nursery door and found the little billion dollar heir babbling to himself. His bright hazel eyes that matched his father’s found my face and then they shined.

He was chatting away in his own little toddler language as he held his arms out to me.

“Hey little man, did you sleep okay?” I reached in the crib for him and cuddled him to my chest. “Let’s go change your diaper and then go get some breakfast.”

He laid his little head on my shoulder and continued to babble on.

I got to work on his diaper while Michael told me all about his night. I always wondered what went on his little head. Michael was inquisitive and always held a curious gaze much like his father. He was always watching and absorbing everything around him.

“You know, you remind me a lot of your dad.” I buttoned his little onesie and pulled him into my arms. “You are always so curious and question everything. You take your time with things and you never rush. It’s what makes your dad such a great CEO. It’s what will make you a great CEO too.”

Michael listened to me like he could understand. His little palm touched the side of my face like he was saying thank you.


I smiled. “That’s right baby, dada. You know he loves you very much. And he is doing everything he can to can keep you.”


“Good job.” I kissed his little cheeks and walked us down stairs to get his breakfast ready.

But as I got to the bottom of the stairs I heard a voice I was not expecting to hear so early in the morning.

“Please Ms Harper, you need to leave.” Delilah told her in her old gentle voice.

“Where is he?! Where is that lying cheating asshole of an ex husband!” Adriana roared causing Michael to flinch.

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