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“Gabriel.” Then I crashed my lips onto his.

I jolted awake with my heart in my mouth.

The morning sun streamed into my room. I could hear the faint hustle and bustle of the Chicago streets down below.

I sat up in my bed, the sheets pooling at my legs.

I rubbed my face trying to come to terms with the fact that I had just dreamt about kissing Gabriel Farrington and I had liked it.

The way my heart raced and my body filled with excitement. The way his arm had circled around my waist and our body heat had combined as one.

The way my body had melted into him effortlessly.

It all felt natural. It felt like something I was meant to be doing.

I groaned into my palms.

Images of last night filled my mind and I couldn’t leave them alone. He had been so close. His scent had surrounded me and enveloped me.

The way he had tucked the hair behind my ears and the way his fingers lingered on my skin.

I couldn’t believe I had allowed him to get so close. I couldn’t believe that we had taken things as far as we did.

I laid back down and felt my phone buzz on the nightstand.

I reached over and opened it, only to find a message from Alana with the link to a news article.

Alana: That’s you…

**Billionaire Bad Boy shacking up with son’s Nanny**

Brianna: What?

I clicked on the article and saw it there. The Chicago post had written about me.

They had captured a picture of me and Michael while we were at the park. You could see me smiling down at Michael and him smiling back up at me.

I scrolled down the article to the comments.

Freakygirl9873: he went from Adriana to this? What a downgrade?

User739473938: this is embarrassing on his part. The help? Really?

BeckywiththeGoodHair: she looks so gorgeous, I love her hair.

FashionFavXxxXx: does anyone else see that massive diamond on her hand. Geeeezzzz. Can only be A Gerald McFee

There were many more comments but I decided to stop torturing myself.

Alana: still want to go through with this plan?

Brianna: It's too late now. I’m already in this.

Alana: if you need to disappear for a little while I know a guy who can make it happen.

Brianna: lol. It’s okay. I need to see this through. I need the money for Europe.

Alana: I know babes. Have you heard from your mom?

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