Page 79 of Shifting Spirits

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Kind of depends how prejudiced they are against shifters, I guess.

They’re from a witch town, so chances are they despise our kind.

If they get over that, they could come back.

“It’s not without its risks, but it’s better than giving them the truth.”

It’s easier, he means. If they know Paul’s dead, well that’s where things could get messy. We’re covered by pack law and if we’d called the Witches Council when it happened that would have started a process that would have let us walk away without repercussion. It was clear that the guy was Dark Arts, and that he’d tried to kill Rachel. She would have died if Adrian hadn’t bitten her.

Now? There’s no evidence left. We got rid of Paul’s body. His car.

Rachel doesn’t have a mark left on her from his attack.

And the spirits out in those woods moved on when we helped them after. I don’t remember their names to call on them, even if they were still lingering on the other side of the veil.

We only have our word, and we’ve already started lying.

This is a bigger problem than not being able to call on Sara.

“I wish we’d done things differently when it happened,” I admit.

“The past is past,” Adrian tells me. “I don’t think they’ll be back. We’ll work on a plan so we can be prepared if they show up here again.”

Right. He’s right.

We can’t get stuck on the things we can’t change.

We need to concentrate on moving forward.

I nod. “Later?”

“Later. Carter and Rachel are watching their movie now. If you roast the peanuts, I’ll make the cocoa. We can figure out the plan in the morning. I don’t want it to ruin the night. Rachel was upset after they left …”

“She’s upset? Why didn’t you …”

“She’s okay now. Carter did that Omega thing with his hands, and she calmed down.”

“Okay. Good.” I should try to calm down, too. Preferably without Carter having to touch me.

It’s not easy. I’m worried about Rachel now on top of everything else. I can’t ask her to help me find Sara while she’s freaking out over her ex-boyfriend’s parents finding out what we did to that psycho.

Carter’s calming touch is a temporary balm.

It won’t erase her worries permanently.

They’ll come back, and she’ll have to find a way to work through them.

Adrian knows that as well as I do. We’ve got a bumpy road ahead.

Chapter Forty-Four


Christmasnightfliesbyin a blur. I pass out for a little bit on Carter’s shoulder, emotionally numbed by his calming touch and too warm and relaxed not to feel kind of sleepy. I wake up when Adrian brings us a tray of hot cocoa and snacks, doze off again afterward, and sort of sleep-eat my way through dinner, not all the way present but enjoying how it feels to be around my mates while Carter cracks jokes, Adrian never takes his eyes off me, and Silas … Well, Silas seems distracted.

I remember taking his hand across the table, entwining our fingers to make him smile.

His wrist was naked, the charm I got him removed.

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