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The defiant tilt to her chin tells me that was the wrong question. “What’s it to you?”

I’m not going to get anywhere with that line of questioning. Shit, she’s got to watch her back because she’s the only one watching it. At least, she was until she walked into this house. “Why did you pick me? You could have left her anywhere.”

“Because you were the first guy in a long time who didn’t offer me fifty bucks.”

“Well, then you’re hanging out with the wrong guys,” I tell her and take a seat next to her. She needs a big brother and she just got one. “I’m the manager here. Could use some office help if you’re interested in a job.”

She wrinkles her nose, little freckles dancing across the bridge of it. Will my Abby have those same freckles one day?

“I don’t know a damn thing about offices.”

“I didn’t either when I started running the place. Suppose you could learn on the job like I did.”

She starts digging through her backpack. “Look, I only came back because I realized you can’t do anything without her birth certificate. So, I’m here to give you all the paperwork stuff and see if she’s happy.”

My heart pounds in my chest. She’s going to give me everything for Abby, everything that will allow me to legally hold onto her. I’ll never have to worry about anyone taking her from me.

“Here’s the paperwork the hospital gave me on her. I don’t know what to do next to make it legal.” She passes it to me then snorts. “And I don’t need a big brother.”

I accept the crumpled papers and the birth certificate. “Well, you have one now so deal with it.”



“I can’t believeshe’s really ours,” I whisper as I trace her tiny features. She’s drinking from her bottle and gazing up at me with peace-filled eyes. Because of Micah, she’ll never have to face the indifference of the system or the disappointment of being shuffled from home to home because no one wants her. Well, I guess I’m helping with that since my name went on the adoption papers today.

Sydney and Micah talked in the living room for a few minutes then he came to the bedroom and told me we were going to see a lawyer. The four of us were able to set up what’s known as a private adoption. There are still a few requirements to meet within the coming weeks. But we’re on the road to legally becoming Abby’s parents.

“I might be biased but I think we got the cutest baby ever too,” Micah says. We’re sitting together on his bed again. The three of us are snuggled under the blankets like a little family. We are a little family, and the thought sends a thrill through me. I never expected that one day Micah and I would be together, let alone raising a beautiful daughter.

Abby grunts as if acknowledging to her father that she is the cutest and she knows it.

Micah croons down at her, “You’re going to stay right here with us and you’re going to grow up a Kringle. We’re going to decorate the nursery in princesses and fairies and anything else you want. Then in the summers, I’ll take you fishing, and we’ll build a tree fort together. I’ll teach you how to throw a ball too. Better than any of the boys.”

I laugh at the childhood he’s outlined. It sounds wonderful and amazing. It doesn’t even surprise me that he’s already thinking so far ahead. My Micah loves to plan and scheme. His ability to think into the future is part of what makes this ranch so successful. It’ll be a beautiful legacy for my Abby to inherit one day with her cousins. OK, she doesn’t have any yet. But with the way West has been looking at Cassie lately, I think it’s only a matter of time.

“I think we’re finished. You get enough, baby girl?” I ask as she drains the rest of the bottle.

“My turn,” Micah calls and takes her in his arms. He keeps her entertained while he burps her and when she’s done, he grins at her. “Good job. When you’re older, I’ll teach you how to burp the alphabet. Uncle Ledger will be jealous of that one.”

Her little eyes drift closed, and I don’t miss the disappointment that flickers across Micah’s face. He loves nothing more than spending time with his little girl. One day soon though she’ll be awake all the time and constantly talking to us. I can’t wait for those moments.

“Do you think she knows?” He asks softly. “That she was adopted today?”

I don’t know how much any baby knows about what’s happening. They’re doing the important work of growing big and that’s tiring. Probably doesn’t leave a lot of time to wonder who they belong to. “I think she knows she’s loved by the best dad in the world.”

He seems satisfied by my answer, gazing at our little girl with such affection on his face. He’d walk through hell for her if she needed him too. No matter how big our daughter grows up to be or how far away she moves, she’ll always have his heart, and he’ll always have her back.

“Should I call Sydney and see how she’s settling in?” I ask as he leaves the bed to put Abby into her crib.

While we were at the lawyer’s office, Micah stepped outside to make some phone calls. Next thing I knew his parents were showing up and welcoming Sydney to the family. They didn’t ask any questions just accepted it when Micah said this was their granddaughter’s biological mother. She’ll be staying with them now. She said she’d do it for a few days “on a trial basis”. But she also accepted Micah’s job offer.

Something tells me that Ledger and West are already spreading the word around the ranch that there’s a new Kringle. She’ll never be treated with anything less than affection and respect here in Courage County. Who she was before doesn’t matter. She’s been given a new name. The Kringle name.

“I’ll check in on her tomorrow morning,” he answers as he settles Abby in her crib.

“Then I guess we have to figure out what we’re going to do with a long, lonely night stretched out in front of us,” I tell him, barely able to keep the smirk off my face.

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