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But I’m pretty sure a man isn’t supposed to say it for the first time when he’s balls deep. So instead of saying it, I focus on showing her. Giving her every ounce of pleasure that my body has to share with her.

I feel it, the moment she starts to come. Her pussy milks my cock so tightly that I can’t hold back anymore. I shoot my release deep into her womb and even though this is still new, I put my forehead against hers and send up a silent prayer that we’ll get forever together.



“Do you think everyone can tell?”I ask as I stare at my reflection in the bathroom mirror. Micah’s arms are around me, his front pressed to my back. After we made love, he helped set my clothes to right and we both washed our hands. I was about to go back out. But he stopped, told me to let him hold me for a minute.

I know that losing your virginity doesn’t change you. But I feel so different. My blood is buzzing, and my hair is messy and more than that, I know for certain that I’m in love with the gruff cowboy who’s holding onto me so tenderly.

“Tell what?” He presses a soft kiss to my shoulder.

“That know.”

“That I just ate your sweet pussy in the community center bathroom?” He arches an eyebrow. “Or that I made you come so hard you saw stars while I was buried deep in your cunt?”

“Micah,” I call his name in reproach. But his filthy words bring my body to life again. I’m already aching for him. I need a thousand more nights like tonight. I need to spend endless hours together exploring each other. “Take me home.”

His eyes darken and his voice is strangled when he asks, “Won’t you miss the rest of the dance?”

“It’s an annual thing,” I remind him. It’s not like the Christmas dance won’t be here next year and the year after that. Courage County loves its traditions, especially the holiday ones.

“That’s a good point,” he agrees and quickly tugs me from the bathroom.

It takes a century to get back out to the truck. Everyone wants to talk to Micah. It’s clear they all respect him. More than that, they adore him if the affectionate pats and hugs are anything to go by. He’s beloved in this town and it makes me happy that this community has his back. Still, it’s hard to concentrate when he’s tracing circles with his thumb on my back as he talks.

If this keeps up, I might just explode right here. That would certainly make the front page of the newspaper.

As soon as we’re in the truck, he puts an arm around my hip and slides me into the middle. It’s an awkward fit around the gear shift but I don’t complain. I like being snuggled close to him as he drives us back home.

“My parents offered to keep Abby for the evening,” he says softly when he’s paused at one of the few stoplights in town.

I know he must be making the offer for me. There’s no way he wants to be apart from her for a whole night and neither do I. “Micah Kringle, you go get our daughter.”

He turns to look at me, the light adding red highlights to his dark hair. “Our daughter?”

I didn’t even realize I’d called her that. I don’t know when I started thinking about Abby as my daughter and our daughter, but I can’t deny the rightness of it. I nod decisively. “Our daughter.”

He squeezes my hip and repeats it under his breath, a smile playing at his lips. “We’re a family.”

“Yeah, I guess we are.” I chuckle at the thought. Sometimes, family is the people you’re born to and sometimes, it’s the people around you, the ones you choose.

The entire drive back to his parents’ place, Micah and I keep looking at each other and smiling. I know we’re picking Abby up too early because I can see the disappointment on Mr. Kringle’s face.

“We’ll let you keep her overnight next time,” I promise.

He brightens at my words and glances at Micah. He’s busy with his mom. They’re putting Abby in her car seat and he’s asking a million questions about what she did tonight. I’m kind of surprised he hasn’t demanded his mom submit a five-page written report.

Mr. Kringle leans in close. His white, bushy eyebrows come together when he says, “He likes you.”

I think back to tonight in the bathroom and the dirty things my cowboy said to me. “I think you might be right.”

“He doesn’t show much. Still waters run deep. Remember that with him.”

I start to dismiss his concerns. But then I wonder if one day I’ll be giving this same warning to Abby’s future boyfriend. So instead, I say, “He’s an amazing man. Thank you for giving him to me.”

He beams at me, and I can’t help feeling like I passed some test I didn’t even realize I was taking. He claps his hand on my shoulder. “Welcome to the family, Chloe.”

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