Page 62 of Play By The Rules

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But anything more than that?

I was a fucking idiot.

“I’m ready. It’s time to move past whatever this shit is between Theodore and me. I’m over it, him and his stupid rules.”

“You’re not going to back out on us?” Betty asks, a small smile pulling at her lips. I shake my head, shoving my phone in my bag and throwing it over my shoulder.

“No. I promise. Find a guy, set it all up, and I’ll be there.”

I leave them chatting away amongst themselves and head back to the dorm. I pass by Theodore’s table, my back straightening when the sound of feminine laughter hits my ears. Gage calls my name, but I ignore him.

I need to be elsewhere right now.

Anywhere but near Theodore.

I’ve never felt the urge to spill blood before, but there’s something humming in my veins right now that’s wanting me to cause physical harm to either him or Anna.

And that’s not me.

I don’t like violence.

I don’t like anger.

I’ve suffered through enough of it in my life to never want to inflict it on anybody else, and yet it’s all I can think about.

“Did I say you could fucking touch me?” I ask Anna when she runs her hand down my arm for the second time today. We got paired together for a business project, and she has been all up in my shit.

Since I refuse to let her into my dorm, not wanting to start anything with Fallon right now because things are still so uncertain between us, the lunch hour is the only time we can get anything done.

“Sorry,” she whispers in a sickly-sweet tone.

Gage calls out to Fallon as she passes our table, but she ignores him. Just continues rushing to the door and out into the hallway. “What’s up with her?”

“I have an idea,” Kyle mutters under his breath, staring pointedly between Anna and me. He raises a brow at me and understanding kicks in. Scrubbing a hand down my face, I push my chair back, standing to follow her.

“Where are you going?” Anna shouts after me, her short legs struggling to catch up to mine. “We have work to do, Theo.”

She continues to call my name, but I ignore her, following Fallon. When she gets outside, she wraps her arms around herself, her footsteps becoming faster. She might be tall, but I’m a good half a foot taller than her so I reach her quickly, my hand wrapping around her backpack and pulling her to face me.

“Who pissed in your Cheerios this morning?”

“Go away, Theodore.” She pulls at her bag, trying to loosen my hold. Her hair blows across her face, getting caught on her lip gloss. Reaching my free hand out, I pull at the strands, moving them away, before gripping her hair in my fist and pulling her face into mine.

“What the fuck’s your problem?”

“You,” she snaps, pulling away from me. “You are my fucking problem. Now go back to your girlfriend. I have shit to do.”

“Casper,” I warn, keeping my voice low. There’s no way she honestly thinks I’d have told her I wanted anything with her and then still entertained Anna.

Surely, she’s not that fucking stupid.

I go to tell her as much, but Betty sidles up next to her.

“I need to steal my best friend, thank you,” Betty tells me, linking their arms together and pulling Fallon away from me. I let them go, never taking my eyes from Fallon as she walks away. She holds my gaze until the last moment, defiance shining back at me.

My mouth quirks up into a smirk.

I’ve been playing the long game, trying to keep my distance to let her come to terms with this and what it means for her, but I’m thinking that’s not going to win me any points with her. Whatever she thinks is going on between Anna and me, has her angry. Though I’m not going to lie, an angry Fallon is a fucking hot Fallon.

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