Page 34 of High Class

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Because I believe his wicked threats and the filthy words alone make me throb with need, I give him what he wants. There’s no way I can go all night like this. That would drive me to the brink of insanity.

“You control my pleasure, Luke. My orgasms are yours. Please,” I whimper. “I’m begging you, please.”

“I knew you were filthy enough to beg like a good slut.”

He lets go of my throat, and seconds later his mouth is on my labia. His tongue slides over the sensitive area until it reaches my clit, where he swirls his pointed tongue in measured circles for several seconds before he locks his lips around the swollen button and sucks until the orgasm takes me with blinding force.

My whole body trembles and jerks as the intense pleasure rolls through me like an electrical current. I’m pretty sure I scream, but I’m not sure. And even as the pleasure subsides to a manageable sensation, he doesn’t stop.

His tongue continues its brutal assault until the second orgasm builds and I can’t hold it back anymore.

Time ceases to exist, and I have no idea how long Luke spends with his head between my thighs but one wave of pleasure crashes into another, and soon I’m limp. Only then does his mouth leave me.

“Fucking incredible,” he says as I feel him shifting on the bed.

I hear the distinctive tear of a condom wrapper, and a few seconds later, his cock pushes against my soaked and aching entrance. A hiss escapes me as he works his way inside.

He grunts when he’s completely enveloped in me. “Fucking hell, Zara. You’re gripping me like a vice. Are you still coming?”

My pussy is still pulsing from the many orgasms, and I can’t help the way I squeeze around him.

“Keep that up and this is going to be over too soon,” he bites out, slowly easing out of me.

“No!” I whimper when he leaves me completely.

That makes him laugh, low and dark. “What a filthy little cock whore you are. One taste of my cock inside your cunt and you can’t stand the thought of not having me inside you.”

He drags the head of his cock through my slick folds, pushing hard against my still engorged clitoris.

“Please, Luke. I need you to fuck me.”

“I know you do, little Flower. And I will.”

He slams into me, and I cry out as he pulls out and pushes forward again, settling into a brutal rhythm.

Unable to stand it a second longer, I tear the blindfold off my eyes and stare up at him, wanting to see the same agony he saw on my face. I am not disappointed. His face is twisted as he groans while he thrusts in and out of me. I grip his straining arms and take in this beautiful man, giving me everything.

I am stretched to the max by his thickness, and I’m on the verge of another orgasm when he stiffens, and his own release hits him. He growls through it and reaches between us, rubbing my clit in fast circles. It only takes a few quick motions to send me over the edge, and I convulse around him as the last of his orgasm shakes him.

Our heavy breathing fills the room as he eases out of me and collapses beside me. The loss of his body heat and the cool air of the room makes me shiver. A few minutes later, he slips off the bed and comes back with a warm rag. My face is coated in sweat and tears I hadn’t realized I shed, and my pussy aches as he tenderly wipes me clean.

“Such a good girl,” he murmurs, brushing hair out of my face.

His fingers trail my abdomen and stop on my right hip.

“What’s this from?” he asks, tracing the scar there. “I noticed it before we left for the club.”

I close my eyes and shake my head. “Not something I want to talk about.”

He bends down and brushes a kiss over the puckered skin. As if someone else is controlling me, I shove his head off of me and roll so my back is to him.

“Whoa. Sorry, love.”

“It’s fine,” I lie as I try to tamp down the memories. “I’d like to go to sleep now.”

“Help me out here, Zara. It seems like I’ve fucked up.”

I sit up and pull the sheet up under my arms. “No. You didn’t. I just don’t enjoy thinking about it.” A yawn escapes, and I cover my mouth.
