Page 31 of High Class

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I shrug. “You paid for the week, Mr. Bowden.”

He smirks. “I’ve never enjoyed being called that before, but it’s nice coming from you.”

Then he pats his leg. “Come here.”

My legs are shaky when I stand, which irks me. It’s been years since I’ve been nervous in front of a man. When I’m in front of him, he pulls me down into his lap and brushes the hair away from my cheek.

“Such a pretty little flower. I’m glad you’re here.”

“I suppose now is a terrible time to ask when the last time you were tested is.”

He laughs. “If you must know, I haven’t slept with a woman in over a year, and I’ve been tested twice since then. I can get you the results.”

That surprises me. A man like Luke would see plenty of action if he wanted it. So, what’s made him celibate for the better part of a year?

“I’ve been a little busy,” he says, answering my unasked question.

“I didn’t ask,” I say with a grin.

“You’re tense. Are you sure you want this?”

I try to relax my shoulders. “I’m positive. You just make me nervous and that annoys me. I’ve never really been nervous with partners before.”

“Partners or clients? I’d think there’s a difference.”

I think about it for a second. “OK. That’s fair. Clients rarely make me nervous unless something went wrong in my vetting, and they turn out to be dangerous.”

“And do you vet your partners the way you vet your clients?”

I laugh. “Not exactly. But my last partner…” I grimace as I think about Nathan. “It didn’t end well, and I haven’t exactly been eager to start anything since.”

“I can understand that lass. Well, you don’t need to be nervous around me. We won’t do anything too intense tonight. Why don’t you go into your room and get comfortable? I’ll be along in a minute.”

Then he tucks a hand beneath my chin and pulls me forward for a tender kiss. His lips are soft against mine and his beard tickles my face, but I like it. As he deepens the kiss, tension leaves my body and I relax into him and the kiss until he pulls away and smiles.

“Go on, then.”

He gives me a gentle nudge, and I stand and head for my room, stopping to pick up my heels along the way.

I’m breathing heavier by the time I reach the bedroom, and my body is alive with energy as I pace the room.

“I told you to get comfortable.”

His gruff tone startles me, and I whirl to face the door.

“Sorry. I just have a lot of pent-up energy.”

He took off his shoes and socks before he came in because he’s barefoot now, and he reaches for the top button of his dress shirt while he stalks toward me.

“I’ve got some ideas on what to do with that energy.”

When he reaches me, I face him and take over, unbuttoning his shirt. Licking my lips as I try to lower my wildly out of control heart rate. This man does things to me. Wonderful, delicious things that make me wonder if I’m going crazy. When his shirt is open, I place my hands inside, flat against his chest, and let my eyes drift closed as our skin connects.

His hands settle on my waist, and he bends to kiss me. When our lips touch, it’s like someone set off a firework. Cliche as hell, I know, but that’s all that comes to my mind.

My hands roam his firm chest as his fingers dig into my hips. When a moan escapes, he takes the opportunity to dip his tongue inside my mouth and explore. It’s a damn delicious kiss. Kissing him could become a hobby of mine if I let it.

He breaks away long enough to shrug his shirt off his shoulders, then he dips down and grasps the hem of my dress. As if someone else is controlling my body, I lift my arms and let him pull it off me so I’m standing in only my lingerie.

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