Page 78 of Elise.

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Tapping my fingernails on the table, my thoughts go to Dan again and I can’t help but wonder if Pops managed to invite him to join us in Lake Como. The fact he hasn’t said a word about the subject either means Dan has refused and Pops doesn’t want to tell me the truth, or maybe he’s just preparing me a surprise Either way, I’ve got to know.

Elise:Hi Dad! Any update about Dan coming with us to Lake Como?

Not even a minute later, my iPhone beeps with a new text message.

Dad:Sorry, darling, Dan declined my invite. He most likely doesn’t want to piss his best friend off, I’m sure. Why don’t you try to convince him?

My heart sinks a little, reading his words, but I can’t say I’m surprised. He’s avoided me like the plague this past two weeks, so why would he want to go to Lake Como with my family and me? Still, it stings. There had been a little part of me that thought he might accept.

There’s also the fact that Pops isn’t inviting him because of some soft spot in his heart for Dan, or because he has any idea that Dan and I had hooked up. Instead, he’s only trying to include him to get under Andries’s skin, and that strikes me as so petty that I can’t even stomach the thought of it. If Dad had really wanted Dan to go, I might be able to put my pride aside and ask him myself, but knowing that there is only a selfish reason for the invite, I’m not going to put myself out there to be hurt or embarrassed by being refused once more.

I shut my phone screen off and set it on the desk beside me, diving into what little work I have left with gusto, hoping to keep my mind busy. I look everything over three times at least, organizing and formatting just to have something to do.

I’m interrupted once more; this time, my desk phone is ringing, which means it’s probably someone in the office. I fully expect Dad to be on the other line, reiterating his need for me to try to cajole Dan into the trip, but it’s someone even worse… Karl.

“Elise, I’m just calling to get an update on the Roxanne situation. I overheard your father talking about her and your brother coming to your party late in the night, which leads me tobelieve that they’re still going strong, and you haven’t managed to drive a wedge into the relationship yet.”

I pinch the bridge of my nose between my fingers, feeling a headache building. “You’d be correct.”

“So you haven’t hired any escorts yet?” He sounds annoyed, which pisses me off.

“No, I’ve been busy, Karl, and I’m not exactly well versed in hiring prostitutes like you. Give me some time, please.”

His voice takes on a syrupy, sweet tone, talking to me as if I’m a child, and it makes me feel gross. “Listen, Miss Elise, this dinner is booked for Thursday, so you’ve got less than a week to get this ball rolling. Do you understand?”

I’m flabbergasted that he would book the dinner without telling me first. Karl has backed me into a corner, and he knows it. I’m deeply regretting collaborating with him on this plan. “Wow, thanks for giving me no choice, Karl. I really appreciate that,” I tell him sarcastically.

“Your family is going on vacation and the wedding is looming closer and closer by the day. Time is of the essence, so if you ever want me to trust you again, I’m going to need you to do your part here.” He sighs as if I’ve done something to disappoint him. “I’m not mad, okay? I just really want to get all of this over with and behind me. Behind us, really, since you’re going to be the new CEO one day. I’m sure you don’t want the shadow of this scandal still hanging around then.”

I know he’s right, and as much as I’ve grown to like Roxanne… well,tolerateRoxanne… there's still a big part of me that is sure she can’t make my brother happy in the long run. Right now, they’re blissful together, but in a few years, will it be the same? Or will they be tired of one another, Roxanne aging and Andries still so much younger?

It’s nasty work, calling Roxanne to hire the escorts, but sometimes I have to get my hands dirty if I want to succeed. This seems like it’s going to be one of those times, unfortunately.

“Okay, fine,” I say, still reluctant and unsure if I’m doing the right thing. The memory of Roxanne handing me her little, carefully wrapped gift before hugging me goodbye stiffly the night of my birthday floats to the forefront of my mind, and it makes my chest tight with guilt. It had been a small bottle of perfume oil that smelled of night-blooming jasmine. She’s really trying, so why am I being such a terrible person to her?

“Great,” Karl says, his voice low, and it makes me feel slightly ill. “Let me know how it goes.”

I hang up the phone without saying goodbye, staring at the receiver for some time, considering my next move. I snatch my iPhone off the desk and hurry to an empty meeting room, shutting the door and locking it behind me. I don’t want to leave any trace of what I’ve done, or as little as possible at least, so instead of calling or texting I press the symbol for an audio message.

“Uh, hey, Roxanne! This is a weird request I know, but I’ve taken over some clients from other salespeople at the office and I’ve booked a dinner with them for next Thursday. One of them asked if any of your girls would be there, so I guess they’ve been hired for these business dinners before, and these clients would really love it if I could book them this time too. They’re asking for the exact same girls from last time. Is there any way you can help me out with this?”

My heart is racing as I send it, my body full of adrenaline as if I’ve run a mile or more, but I’m proud of myself for actually going through with it. There is still that guilt sitting heavy inside of me, but if I manage to pull this off, it won’t matter anymore.

As soon as I sit down at my own desk again, Roxanne replies with a short, curt text that takes the wind out of my sails immediately.

Roxanne:Here’s the number for my old agency. They can take care of your request.

Attached is a screenshot of her previously owned agency's business page, and nothing else. I furrow my brow, confused about why she would be so short and cold with me. I send another audio message, trying to force myself to sound sheepish.

“I’m just not sure which are the escorts that used to go to these dinners. If I’m being honest, these are Karl’s old clients, and I’m really nervous dealing with them since I’m so young and they’re used to seasoned professionals. Can’t you do this for me please, just this once?”

I send the audio message, followed by a text that just says, “I'd really appreciate it, seriously. Xx.”

I go back to tapping my nails on the desk, staring at my black phone screen, ridiculously impatient for her to answer. She takes much longer this time, to the point that I’m starting to get anxious, but finally, another message comes through.

Roxanne:Is Li Chiu also attending this dinner?

I have no idea who that is, but a quick search of Karl’s clients reveals he’s one of his wealthiest. I have no idea if he’s attending the dinner, but if Roxanne needs me to bend the truth a little to get her involved, I’ll do it.

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