Page 75 of Elise.

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“Yeah,” I offer. “But when Andries showed up yesterday, everything changed. I think Dan is sure that he doesn’t want anything more to do with me in a romantic… or physical… sense.”

She reaches out and pats my leg. “Well, I want you to know that your dad and I like the O’Brian family very much and have no objection if you and him ever get together officially. Although, obviously, Johan Bentinck wouldn’t be an unsuitable match either…”

“Ugh, Mom, that was a summer fling years ago. He lives in England.”

“I know, I know. I just wanted you to know that either of them are fine with us.”

“Thanks… but I need to escape this conversation before it gets any more uncomfortable. May I please be excused?”

She laughs softly and pulls me into a hug. “Of course, darling. I just want you to know I’m on your side, and that you can come to me for anything like this. I love you.”

“I love you too, Mom. Thanks for being honest with me.”

I’m desperate for a nap to reset my now frazzled brain, so I make my way back to my bedroom, relieved to be alone again. It’s been a very strange day thus far. As I’m walking the halls, I hear my phone ping, and it’s a message from Tatiana with a video attached.

Tatiana:What an evening! It was amazing! By the way, I thought you might like this.

I play the video, and it shows Dan and me on the dance floor, moving as if no one is watching. He’s smiling down at me, looking with something like adoration in his eyes, and my own are closed in reckless abandon, just happy to be in that moment with him.

It makes me smile to myself, despite all the complicated emotions that he has made me feel in the last twenty-four hours.I really am starting to believe that there is something more between us than just lust. The real question is, is it just me that thinks that way, or does Dan too?


Amsterdam, June 12, 2022


The decision topull off the highway and go to my parents’ instead of my place was an easy one. I had already decided this morning to go and see the new car Dad has acquired, but now I just don’t want to be alone with my own thoughts.

My thoughts are of nothing but Elise, as one might expect. Her sounds of ecstasy as I brought her pleasure, the eagerness of her kiss, and worst of all, the look of hurt when I turned her away from my bed are haunting me non-stop. No woman has ever affected me like she does, and it’s turning into both a fantasy and a nightmare. She’s the woman I want more than any other, while simultaneously being the only one I can’t have.

Yeah, I definitely need a distraction.

Exiting the car, I let the valet take the Jaguar, just pulling it around to the enormous garage and hopping out in search of my dad and his newest jewel.

The emerald green ‘74 Porsche 911 was one of around one hundred cars found in an incredible barn find that had recentlysurfaced in the British countryside. As soon as the news broke that there would be an auction for the pristine, if dusty, classic cars that had been found there, Dad had been glued to the news about it. This 911 was the car he had his eyes on the most, and although it was the only auction he won out of the few he bid on, I’m confident he’s more than happy with the results.

He has the hood up, digging around in the machinery to see what has held up all these years and what will need to be repaired. He’s in cargo shorts and an old, dirty shirt, but he is completely and totally in his element.

“Son!” he exclaims, hearing my footsteps on the concrete floor. He raises himself out of the car's innards, wiping his hands on a red towel that is slung over his shoulder. “Have you come to see me, or is it my pride and joy that interests you?”

“I thought I was your pride and joy,” I joke, meeting him in the middle for a careful half hug, not wanting to get an excessive amount of grease on my good clothes. I have things in my old room to change into if we’re going to really get into working on the Porsche.

“Depends on the day,” he teases back, stepping aside so I can get a good look at the 911. It really is pristine, and I let out a low whistle.

“She’s a beauty,” I say, walking a slow circle around it. “What a lucky acquisition.”

“I still can’t believe it myself,” Dad says, smiling like a kid. “You think your mom will kill me if I were to keep this one instead of reselling it?”

“Depends on the day,” I quip back, using his own logic against him. Dad laughs.

“I guess you’re right. But speaking of beautiful ladies–”

“Dad, please don’t…”

“How was the party for Miss Elise Van den Bosch? Opulent? Excessive?”

I roll my eyes, almost regretting having come here. “All the above, really. But we don’t have to get into it.”

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