Page 67 of Elise.

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I hold myself up with shaking arms and look down where my hands are carding through Dan’s hair, his mouth working over my pussy, his eyes closed and expression rapturous. The teasing is over, and now he’s focused. Seeing what he’s doing to me sends another rush of ecstasy coursing through my body, and it’s the last drop in the bucket I need.

Dan sucks my clit between his lips now and doesn’t let up, sucking my engorged flesh, and it makes me come so hard that all I see is white. I arch my back so far that I’m surprised my head doesn’t touch the table, my hands fisted in his hair. It goes off like an explosion inside me, and it feels so good that it should be impossible. Thank God hardly anyone is in the house because the noise that comes from me is nothing short of obscene.

Bliss rolls over me in waves. It’s like I can’t get enough, holding Dan in place while I ride out my orgasm on his face. As I crest the wave of it, the unending pleasure morphs into oversensitivity, and my fingers finally unfurl from his scalp.

I can’t believe what we just did. Still, I want more.

Dan, without a word, surges up and claims my mouth again. I can taste my own juices on him, and while I would have thought it would be unpleasant, knowing that the sharp taste on his lips is from me makes me feel almost feral. I can hear the clanking of his belt buckle, and in the back of my mind I know I don’t want to lose my virginity on a billiards table when we’re in a hurry, but it seems like he and I both are well past logical thought.

Then, someone bangs on the door—hard. He jumps back from me as if shocked, and I shut my legs with a snap, hopping off the table and tripping over myself trying to get my panties back on.

“Who the fuck—” he hisses, but then the pounding starts again, and this time it keeps going.

We straighten ourselves up, and my heart is racing so fast I think it might beat out of my chest. I’m panicking, thinking it might be my parents, or worse, my brother, but I relax a little as someone yells through the door.

“Elise!” Tatiana calls from the other side. “We’re all out here waiting on you! It’s time for cake!”

There’s a cacophony of agreement from the other girls that are apparently with her. I exhale slowly, brushing my hair back into place and straightening my dress. Of anyone to catch me, this is the least problematic group. And maybe I can still hide what I’ve just been doing.

“Go stand in the back of the room,” I tell Dan quickly while he’s buttoning his shirt. “I’ll lead them away and then you can come out after, so we aren’t leaving together.”

He searches my face as if there is more that he wants to say, but then he just nods. “Good idea. I’ll meet you outside, then.”

I hold my head high, even as the aftershocks of my climax are still rippling through me. I wish I had time to wash my hands, and I’m more glad than ever that I decided to go with the kiss-proof lipstick. Opening the door, Tatiana and a few other girls grab me immediately, and I’m hauled out of the billiard room like a clandestine package.

“Your parents have been waiting for almost twenty minutes!” Tati informs me in a tizzy. “What the heck have you been doing? And don’t try to tell me you’ve been playingbilliards.”

“We can talk later,” I tell her under my breath, not wanting the pack of other girls to hear me. “But keep it down, okay? Don’t go spilling my secrets everywhere.”

“Alright… but you better keep your word and fill me in.”

We exit onto the terrace, less than ten feet from the billiards room, and I’m about to tell Tati she can go get my parents when Isee that Dad and Mom are already waiting for me. I’m overcome by a wave of humiliation, knowing what Dan and I were just doing with them only feet away. I can even feel my face turning red. I never would have guessed that my own dad would be up here mingling with my college-aged friends… I never considered he could be so close! Knowing I was maybe just minutes from getting caught having sex with Dan makes me want to run away and never come back, but the nearly one hundred expectant faces watching me make it impossible.

Mom draws me into a quick hug, talking about how beautiful I look and how she can’t believe how grown I am, but I’m distracted, looking for Dan and feeling ridiculously awkward hearing her say these things after what Dan and I have just done.

“Thanks, Mom,” I say, gently untangling myself from her arms.

I’ve read the party itinerary at least a dozen times, but since all my attention has been on getting Dan to the party, and then getting him alone, I guess I let a lot of it slip my mind. If I would have just checked the time, I would have known that there wasn’t time for the long, drawn-out seduction and oral sex that just occurred. I don’t regret it, not for a second, but my timing could definitely be better.

Everything is already set and ready for me; the cake is, of course, white, covered in areas of gold leaf to match the invitations that were sent out last week. The gold leaf is one hundred percent genuine, hand laid onto the icing just hours before so it wouldn’t warp or become displaced before it was time to display the confection. It’s two tiers, one vanilla and one chocolate, underneath the creamy buttercream icing, and there isn’t much time before the entire thing starts to melt in the warm summer heat.Where the hell is Dan?

Surely he wouldn’t leave me now, would he? I can just imagine him sneaking out the front, snatching his keys fromthe valet and disappearing into the night so he doesn’t have to deal with what we’ve just done together. I’m not done with him yet, either. I’m so tired of being interrupted, and tonight we’ll finally have the privacy we’ve been denied during our past two encounters.

I know that he’s been hesitant about being with me in that way, but I took every precaution to make sure my brother doesn’t catch us, and that we will have ample time to explore each other at our leisure tonight. I’m still buzzing from the orgasm he just gave me… I can only imagine what he’ll do when given free rein. Plus, I really do want to return the favor.

Just as I start to really worry, Dan walks around the corner, only his slightly mussed hair giving away any hint of our indiscretions. He meets my eyes briefly, the emotions in them complicated, just before my dad approaches him and shakes his hand, pulling him in for a quick hug and pat on the back, as if he’s greeting his own son. I really, really hope that at least Dan had time to wash his hands. Maybe swish his mouth with some booze.

He and Dad chat, but they’re too far away to hear. I’m still reeling from the pace that everything has changed, going from nearly having sex to standing out here with my parents, family members, and friends ready to blow out candles. I watch Dan speak, entranced by the movement of his lips. That mouth was just between my legs, and now he’s out here talking to mydadas if he’s never done anything wrong in his entire life.

It’s so bizarre, so absurd, that it’s funny. A smile pulls at the corner of my mouth. Oh, life is about to get really, really interesting for Dan and me. I just know it.


V.D.B. estate, June 11, 2022


Never in mylife have I felt a more complex mix of emotions than when I watched Elise blow out the candles on her birthday cake. It was like time slowed, the red and orange flames lighting her face, the cheers from all the people that love and adore her, and then right as the candles extinguish, an explosion of fireworks rose from above. Every single one of them crystalline white… of course.

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