Page 62 of Elise.

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I run my fingers across the surface of the paper, feeling the gold leafing beneath my fingers and thinking about what the hell I’m going to do now. Still, holding this invite in my hands and thinking of all the things she and I could do together at this party makes me smile despite myself.

I hold it up, snapping a picture of the invite and sending it to Elise.

Dan:Just received your invitation. Not sure that I can attend, though. Sorry.

I pocket the phone and set the invitation on the console table, planning to go sit on the terrace and enjoy some tea. Maybe even a joint if I can’t relax. But of course, Elise has other things in mind, no matter how many miles away she is. As soon as I step foot into my bedroom, my cell phone rings.

“Hello, Elise.”

“What in the hell do you mean you aren’t sure if you can attend? Youareattending. I already spoke to my dad about it and we’re planning on you spending the night in one of the guest rooms.” She pauses, sounding thoughtful. “Or maybe another bedroom. I’ll see. Either way, you’re coming.”

I don’t point out the euphemism, sitting down on my bed for what I’m sure is going to be a drawn-out conversation. “Well, I’m still assessing whether it’s the best way to spend my evening…”

“You better wrap that assessment up as soon as possible, then, because you’re not getting out of it.”

“What is with all the people in your family being so damn overbearing? I spent the afternoon with your grandmother, and I think she nearly had a few of the wedding designers near tears.”

Elise laughs, and it’s the sweetest sound I’ve heard all day. “I’m sure Oma Margaret would take that as a compliment, actually.”

“I have no doubts about that…” I chuckle. “But Elise, you should have seen your brother. He’s so excited about this wedding that it’s almost humorous. I don’t know what kind of conniving plans you still have in the works, but I hope you might reconsider. He’s truly happy.”

I hear her sigh as I kick up my feet and lie down. “I want him to be happy, too, you know. But not just happy now; happy for the rest of his life… I’m just not convinced Roxanne is the woman he’s destined to spend his entire life with. It scares me that he’s being impulsive.”

“I know, I know… but you have to let him live his life, and we all have to work on trusting him a little to know what’s best for himself. If I can do it, you can too.”

“But you liked Roxanne from the beginning.”

“You would have too,” I point out, as I sit up against the headboard of my bed. “Had you just given her the chance and looked past her profession. I mean, the two of you are getting along swimmingly now that you’ve let bygones be bygones.”

“Swimmingly is pushing it,” she says, deadpan, and I can’t help but laugh.

“Anyway… have you decided to give in and invite Andries to your birthday? You know he would love to be there for you.”

“Actually, for the sake of politeness, I already did,” she says haughtily. “But you know it doesn’t matter because he won’t want to come to the estate, and no one will let him in even if he does. So you can get off my back about it.”

“You’re trying to sound mean, but I know you love him, so you aren’t fooling me anymore, Ice Princess.”

I hear her exhale, and there is what I can only guess is real affection in her tone. “You know me so well, huh?”

“I do,” I tell her sincerely, smiling.

Elise makes a sound like she wants to say something, but stops mid-breath. I can almost see her pursed lips in my mind when I close my eyes, wishing she was right in front of me instead of somewhere else much too distant.

“I’ve got some schoolwork to finish,” she says finally. “But Dan, will you promise me that you’re really coming to my party? No more second guesses?”

I chuckle, knowing how easy it would be to continue to tease her, but there is a note of vulnerability in the way she asks that stops me, so I give her an honest answer. The one I know she wants, and that I wasn’t sure of until this very second. “Yes, Elise, I’ll be there.”

She sighs in relief. “Finally. I’ll see you then, Dan.”

“Bye, Elise.”

I lay my now-silent phone on my chest and cross my arms behind my head, staring at the ceiling. She’s been so insistent on my attendance that I can’t help but wonder if she has something in mind. Especially since she’s already planned for me to stay overnight at the Van den Bosch estate. Could she want to repeat what happened in my study? Or even more, maybe?

My cock swells at the very thought of it, but I close my eyes and bite the inside of my cheek to stop myself from getting too worked up. I want her. Of course, I want her. I have for years, but if we both give in to this thing between us, there will be no going back.

Rationally, I know I shouldn’t let her pull me closer, but the more time I spend with Elise, the smaller and quieter the rational voice inside me becomes. For better or worse, I’m going to the damned party.


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