Page 59 of Elise.

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“So you want me to cut parts of my own book out to make your workday easier?”

“No…” I tap my nails against the wine glass, looking for the right words. “Tell the story, just change the names. It will makethings so much easier on me and it will prevent Dad from getting pissed about it all over again.”

Roxanne exhales slowly, her gaze distant as she thinks it over. “You’ve been overly kind lately, and I can’t help but wonder if this is some sort of trap that I’m falling into with you.”

I shake my head. “No. I’m being direct with you,” I tell her truthfully. “Dad won’t fire Karl regardless, so your memoir will just cause another shit show for us lower-level interns. It’s a big favor, I know, but clever readers will recognize who it is, anyway.”

“Well…” She considers it, seeming to go back and forth again and again. “Only because you’ve been putting in the work to heal things with your brother. I’ll change the names if it means that much to you.”

I feel a surge of triumph, and I can’t help the grin that comes over my face. “You’re a lifesaver, Roxie, thank you. And… well, the secret about your cabaret is safe with me, too. I know it was kind of shady to use it against you to get an invite to the engagement party, but Dan—”

“It’s fine,” she says, cutting me off before taking another sip of her wine. “Thanks for keeping that secret, too. It will come up eventually, but I want it to be on my own terms. And technically I’m not escorting or running an escort business at all, so I don’t think it's going to tank our relationship or anything like that. I just don’t think your brother will like it much, and it actually means a lot to me to still have that minor connection to my old life.”

This is my chance, and I know it. We’re already on the subject and connections to her past, so asking about her old escort employees is a completely natural progression of the conversation. I could almost cheer at how perfectly it all worked out. I take in a breath, formulating my next words perfectly in my mind so I don’t screw this up.

“I noticed a few of the girls that used to escort for you are working at the cabaret. Do you keep in contact with all the escorts you used to work with?”

“From time to time. I just want to make sure that the new manager is treating them right,” Roxanne answers casually, not at all bothered by my question.

I open my mouth, heart pounding, to ask her if she could provide some girls for the event with Karl, but before I can say anything the patio door opens, and Andries and Dan come out. Their timing couldn’t be worse, and I’m staring daggers at Dan, but no one seems to notice me. I was so damn close!

“How did it go? Your little talk with Roxanne?”

I glare at Dan across the car, but without any real vitriol. I hadn’t expected to get everything accomplished tonight, and I definitely set up a good base to continue talking to Roxanne later. Even though it’d have been amazing to be done with it all right now.

“It’d have been better without your impeccable timing interrupting me, but at least I know that Roxanne isn’t going to mention Karl or Patricia by name, so that’s something,” I say.

He whistles low in surprise. “Wow. That is an accomplishment. Have you told daddy dearest yet?”

“I texted him right before we started driving home,” I tell him in a prim and proper tone, just to annoy him some more. “I haven’t seen if he’s replied yet.”

I had planned on waiting until I was home to see what Dad has to say about the whole ordeal, but Dan bringing it up makes my curiosity spike, so I pull my phone out of my bag to check. As I had hoped, he responded, telling me that I’d done goodwork and that he’s proud of me. I get that rush of pride from his response, but it’s muted because I still don’t feel great about my part in all of this. At least I’m on the way to being done with it all.

I read the message a few times before replying, keeping it vague and just telling him that I’m happy he approves. After tucking the phone away, I stay silent until Dan pulls up to the curb outside of my apartment, thinking over the night and what it all means.

On a whim, before we can bid farewell, I ask, “Do you want to come up?”

Dan chuckles. “Yes, but I can’t. I’m determined to stay out of trouble when I can, for the next few months at least.”

“Suit yourself.” I shrug, planning on simply leaving and letting him watch me walk away and regret what he’s missing out on, but on second thought, I sit forward and kiss him on the cheek.

Dan jumps, but his hand instinctively goes to my lower back to support me. I can feel the warmth of his skin through my shirt, and it makes me want to arch into him like a cat, but I resist, backing the rest of the way out of the car.

“What was that for?” he asks, voice husky.

“Thank you for keeping my brother distracted for me, is all. I’ll see you at my birthday party.”

He watches my every move with careful eyes. “I don’t even know if I’m going to go yet.”

“Don’t you dare even think about not going!” I gasp.

“Why do you even care about me going if you have all your friends like Tatiana there? Plus, Mark’s coming too, so you don’t even need me.”

Dan sounds annoyed when he mentions Mark’s name, but I don’t press him just to get a rise. Instead, I tell him the truth and leave him to mull it over all alone.

“Because,” I start, giving him a little finger wave as I stand up straight on the curb outside the car. “You’re the only person whose presence matters.”

I hear him sputter my name as I walk away, and it takes all of my willpower not to turn around and go back to him. This time, I think he would accept me with open arms, or maybe even come inside with me, but I want him to really consider my words. They are from the heart.

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