Page 48 of Elise.

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There wasn't much left as far as private tables went, so we chose a longer eight-seater, hopping up onto the barstools.

“I’m so happy you suggested this.” Tatiana sighs happily. “It’s hard for me to make plans and all that. I usually just go along with whatever everyone else wants.”

“That’s no way to live your life,” I tell her, taking a long pull on my straw. “Sometimes you have to take what you want.”

“Most of the time, it’s a quieter life, but this is still a nice change of pace.” Tatiana looks around us as she sits. “Have you been here before?”

“Not here specifically, but it’s been recommended to me a couple of times. So…” I lean forward so she can hear me better. “You’re coming to my birthday party, right? I don’t want any awkwardness about what went on with my brother, so he isn’t coming.”

She frowns. “W-why?”

“Nothing to do with you, I promise. I just wanted to make you aware that you wouldn’t have to deal with any of that.”

“I wouldn’t miss it either way. Have you decided on a theme?”

I blow a stray piece of hair out of my face and shrug. “Not really. Maybe I just won’t have one. I’ve had so much else on my mind I haven’t even really stopped to think about it.”

Tatiana finishes her drink, waving a server over and exchanging the empty glass for a new one. I hesitate, wondering how inebriated I really want to be tonight, but decide to let go a little and follow her example. The alcohol has me feeling warm,and is making some of those things weighing on me so much go fuzzy at the edges. It’s a welcome change.

“What about a masquerade!?” she pipes up as if inspiration has just struck her. “Like the one we attended at Dan's house?”

Just the mention of his name makes a pulse of lust move through me. “Oh, w-well,” I stutter, but my thoughts aren’t even in the room anymore. They’re back in the study at Dan’s parents’ estate, his pressing weight keeping me in place against the desk. He had barely even touched me, but I had been ready to risk it all just to feel his hands on my bare skin.

“Hellooo, Elise?” Tatiana says, breaking my reverie. I blush, hoping that she isn’t able to determine what is on my mind.

“Sorry, these drinks are pretty strong I guess.” I laugh, but she isn’t buying it, grinning wide and narrowing her eyes.

“What are you thinking about, El? Or should I say, who?” she teases.

“Absolutely no one. Now. Let’s go back to party planning.” Tatiana tries to interject, but I barrel ahead. “What if I do a white night party since it will be during the summer?”

She looks like she wants to press the issue of my daydreaming, but the drinks are hitting her a little, too, and she’s easily moved on to another topic. “That’s a great idea. I didn’t even think about how hot and stuffy costumes and masks would be during the heat of the summer. A white-themed party makes so much more sense.”

We delve more into the details of the entire thing—catering, music, dinner, and entertainment. I’m shocked at myself because any other year I’d have all of these things arranged by now. But with my brother’s engagement, and his best friend coming closer and closer to my orbit, I’ve let it all fall to the wayside, figuring Mom and her party planners would figure it all out. Talking to Tatiana, though, I can see that I actually do careabout the minute details of the party, especially if Dan is going to be there.

As if he’s summoned by just the mere thought of his name, I see Dan himself, flanked by another man and two girls, entering the bar. I turn away so he can’t see my face, well aware that I’m blushing. Oh God, I hope he doesn't notice me!

My hopes of anonymity are dashed when Tatiana, comfortably drunk at this point, holds her arm up in the air and waves at the other group. Dan immediately spots her, right before I jerk her arm down for her.

“What are you doing?” I hiss.

“That’s Dan! You two are friends, right? I’m just inviting him over.”

“I don’t know any of those people he’s with,” I say.

She just giggles. “Well, it looks like you’re about to be introduced.”

Through clenched teeth, I tell her, “I don’t want to be introduced.”

“Too late!” she chirps, giving the approaching group a brilliant smile. “Plus, his friend is really good looking. Help me rebound from the terrible heartbreak I’m feeling about losing your brother.”

“You said you were fine,” I groan, rubbing my temples.

Dan and his entourage reach our table, and Tatiana is almost bubbling over with excitement. She hops up and hugs him, and Dan introduces her to everyone he’s with. The man he’s with, a lanky but handsome man around Dan’s age, is Mark, and the two girls they are with are just acquaintances whose names I don’t even register. He doesn’t say it out loud, but it’s a tactic I’ve seen from him before. Provide beautiful girls both as a way to entertain guests and as a social buffer so he doesn’t have to do all the hard work of keeping someone engaged the entire time.Still, seeing one of them hovering close behind his back, looking starry-eyed, has me pissed off.

When Dan is done introducing Tati, he turns to me. I’m still seated, not seeing any reason to jump up and simper over him like she is, but there’s a tight, expectant look in his eyes that has me rising to my feet. Oh, this is very awkward.

“Everyone, this is my good friend Elise Van den Bosch,” he says quickly, as if he doesn’t want to pay much attention to my name or presence.

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