Page 38 of Elise.

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“Yes, and it looks like our favorite poet knows nothing about it.”

My eyes go wide. “Uh-oh. That’s insane. So you used that info against her to snag me an invite? That was powerful information, Dan. You could have saved it for another favor down the line.”

“Yes, but I’ll do almost anything to have you off my back. I was subtle about getting the invite, but Roxanne is sharp, and she figured it out pretty quickly. I also told her to make sure your brother speaks to you so you can smooth things out once and for all.”

I can’t help myself. I’m giddy, and I jump out of my chair, rushing to his side and leaning down to hug him in my excitement. I ignore the masculine smell of his skin, and the smoky sweetness of his cologne, focusing only on how happy I am right this second.

“This is absolutely brilliant. Thank you!”

He laughs, hugging me back, even from the awkward position. “You’re welcome, but you’re forbidden to use that info for your own gains, you hear me? You’ve caused enough troublefor your brother. If you try and pull a fast one, I’ll do the same for you.”

I squeeze him even harder. “Sure you will, Dan. Sure you will.”


Amsterdam, May 21, 2022


Standingon the lawn of the O’Brian’s house, I can already hear everyone in the back part of the home enjoying the party. My heart is in my throat, but I know I can do this. It’s what I’ve wanted this entire time.

When I got ready this morning, choosing a fitted white and blue dress and letting my hair fall loose around my face, I had been thinking of Dan and all that he had gone through to make this possible for me. I hope he likes my dress, and I doubly hope that he didn’t invite Jessica along.

Even if he did, though, he’s already proven that he’ll choose me over her every time. I try not to be too smug about that, but it’s hard not to when I recall how he's nearly kissed me twice already.

A butler comes to answer the door when I ring the bell, happily leading me to the festivities and announcing my arrival, once he successfully crosses my name off the guest list. There’sso much to take in, but I force myself to look for reactions before anything else, and oh, is it worth it.

First and foremost, my brother looks incensed, glaring at me and moving toward me until his fiancée grabs him by the sleeve, pulling him back and talking to him quietly, no doubt telling him that she invited me for one reason or another. I don’t care what lie she uses because I already have what I want. Andries looks bewildered, then angry again, and finally, resigned. An entire story in facial expressions in less than a minute. There’s a reason Dan always calls him dramatic.

And speaking of Dan, his reaction is the one I seek out next. It had been hard to choose between looking as sexy and irresistible as possible in a skintight dress or dressing more like myself, but I had eventually chosen the latter with the elegant dress that makes my skin simply glow. Dan is enamored with me, I’m sure of it, so to get his attention I don't need to pretend to be someone else.

I know I make the right call when I see stars in his eyes as he watches me walk in, descending the small set of marble stairs that leads to the garden party, and had I not been so wrapped up in myself, he’d have probably taken my breath away equally. Dan looks incredible in his light gray suit, the shirt beneath unbuttoned to show that irresistible gold skin of his chest that I’ve been obsessing over ever since I saw him in his swim trunks.

There will be time for all those thoughts later, though, because Andries and Dan aren’t the only ones that have taken notice of my arrival, and since my parents aren’t with me, it’s even more interesting that I still decided to come alone. Events like this are just a game of socialization and class, catching up with people you haven’t seen in years all while spreading venomous rumors about one another when the conversation would grow quiet. I was born for this type of thing; it’s almost as natural as breathing.

The party planners I had so rudely interrupted had done an incredible job with the place. Sunflowers and daisies nearly burst from every available vase and centerpiece, a large white tent erected with tables underneath, and what looks like an endless supply of champagne flowing from the open bar. There are small packs of guests everywhere, and when I scan the crowd, it’s a pleasant surprise to see that my brother hadn’t lied about the rest of the family coming to celebrate. Mom and Dad are the only holdouts, apparently, which makes me sad for him. He might be a dick to me any chance he gets lately, but I still love him, and no child should celebrate their nuptials without their parents there.

I approach Andries and Roxanne first. She’s a vision in a white dress with large, red watercolor floral prints, her short blonde hair styled more softly than usual, and her normally dark makeup nearly natural looking. Roxanne is a true beauty without any extras, and she’s proving that point today. I know Roxie hates it, but she leans in to hug me, and I do the same.

“Play it cool and don’t make me regret this,” she hisses into my ear before letting me go.

Andries watches the hug in confusion, considering she and I are supposed to be at each other’s throats. After a moment, he says, “Roxie told me you reached out to her and apologized for everything you said to her and about her before. I don’t know if you’re being manipulative or not, but thank you either way. Since you’re here, I’ll choose to believe you’re being genuine.”

I choose not to answer his monologue, just smiling at them both and saying, “Congratulations to the beautiful couple.”

With that out of the way, I can move on to something I actually have been looking forward to: talking to my extended family.

Grandmother Margaret presides over the entire gaggle of the family like the matriarch she is, white hair coiffed perfectly andthe ever-present air of superiority surrounding her presence in full force. Her grin, which has always looked a bit predatory, grows the closer I get, and once I’m in grabbing distance, she embraces me and kisses both of my cheeks.

Predatory or not, I love her, and it feels wonderful to be held by my grandmother again.

“I’m so glad you came,” Oma says, putting her hands on my cheeks as she looks me over. “It shows more emotional maturity than your parents, after all. My, my you have grown up to be stunning, little Elise.”

“Thanks, Oma,” I answer back.

She links her arm with mine as if claiming my whole attention for the time being. “How is school, love? Going well? And the internship?”

I hesitate before answering, and she chuckles knowingly. “Overwhelming, I take it?” she asks, always so curious. Since I just nod at her in return, she then, adds, “Understandable, but I have no doubt you’ll emerge from the other side of all of this forged in fire, my dear.”

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