Page 29 of Elise.

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“It feels like a suit of armor,” I admit with a frown. “Like I’m going to war.”

He tugs me closer by the hand as we walk, so we’re almost shoulder to shoulder. “In some ways, my dear, you are.”

It’s not awkward the way I thought it would be, and for better or for worse, I still feel that attraction and connection I felt with him on the dancefloor, even when he leads me to a small, bright red convertible with the top down.

“Absolutely not. It will mess my hair up.”

With an exaggerated pout, he puts the top on. “You’re no fun.”

Once in the car, I begin to feel the dread building again, and I’m unconsciously chewing my thumbnail when I feel Dan’slarge, warm hand on my leg. “If you want,” he tells me, “we can leave right now. I’ll drive you anywhere you want to go if you want to skip this thing.”

“I wish I could, honestly,” I admit, heaving out a sigh. “But I’m in too deep now.”

A shadow moves across his expression, but he still leaves his hand on my leg between shifting gears. It’s more comfort than I probably deserve.

The meeting is being held at a conference hall inside an enormous luxury hotel, and when we enter the building, we are immediately shown where to go. My heart is pounding, and I can feel beads of sweat on the back of my neck under my hair, but I can’t let it show. So, head held high, I let Dan’s hand go and push the heavy double doors open to enter the conference room, where I will soon potentially make the worst decision of my entire life thus far.

Dad is there to greet me, shaking Dan’s hand first before hugging me briefly. Can’t show too much affection here in front of every shareholder the company has, I guess. Dan doesn’t look overly thrilled with my father, but when Karl joins us and holds out a hand for Dan to shake as well, his face may as well be carved from marble for being so expressionless.

For a tense moment, Dan lets Karl’s hand hang in the air, looking from the outstretched appendage to Karl’s face before sneering, but finally, he takes the older man's hand in what looks like an almost painful and incredibly short handshake.

Karl flinches, flexing his hand when the handshake ends and narrowing his eyes at Dan, but Dad can sense something is off and leads him away to go talk to other guests. I breathe a sigh of relief when they’re gone.

“I don’t want you to be alone with him,” Dan says out of the blue, his voice like ice.

“What?” I ask, bewildered at the sudden change of topic.

His tone is just above a whisper and leaning closer toward my face, he continues, “If he wants to talk in his office, leave the door open. Never travel alone together. I don’t care if Patricia is a liar or not, I don’t want to risk it with you.”

With you, he said, like I’m something precious to him. I can’t tell Dan that there are times when I might not be able to keep my promise, so I just give him a small smile. “Alright.”

Dan and I are seated with the other young bloods; Dad, Karl, and the other higher-ups are all seated together. Had I been alone, it would be awful to be with all these strangers, but with Dan at my side I’m able to put aside the speech I’m about to give and talk to everyone as normally as possible, forging connections that might help me in the future.

My guest is becoming increasingly uneasy as the event goes on, watching the slides of company profits, growth, and upcoming projections as they float across the enormous projector screen over and over again. I can see how tense his jaw is, and how he fidgets in his chair. It’s just minutes until I have to take the stage, so if there is something he needs to tell me, he needs to hurry up and spit it out.

“Dan,” I whisper, my mouth almost brushing his ear. “What’s wrong?”

When he looks me in the eye, his eyes are so serious that it gives me pause. He takes both my hands in his, squeezing lightly and says, “Don’t do this, El. I know I said I’d help you, and I’ll still try, but I don’t think that even a speech from God himself could make your brother okay with what you’re about to do. Please don’t give the speech. I care too much about you both and you just don’t understand how big the divide you’re about to cause really is.”

Mouth agape, I don’t know what to say, eyes flicking from Dad and Karl back to Dan. I find my tongue again, leaning closer to him. “You know it’s too late. I can’t go back now!”

“I know that you know doing this is wrong. Think about everything you’ll miss out on if Andries shuts you out forever. His wedding, any children he has… everything. Make the right choice.”

Feeling a lump in my throat, I’m just able to force out, “So you won’t help me, then?”

“Of course, I will, but trust me when I say it isn’t going to make a difference to your brother. His wrath and the way he holds grudges is worse than you know.”

A future flashes through my mind; Andries marrying Roxanne and me only being able to see it in pictures and videos from friends, nieces or nephews being born and never being able to hold them. All the while, I climb the corporate ladder, but once I sit atop Van den Bosch industries, how lonely will I truly be?

I close my eyes, trying to dispel the thoughts. It’s just the fear talking. I have to believe Dan will be able to pull through and solve everything. It’s the only way.

Dad is on stage now, giving the opening speech and welcoming everyone. All the while, Dan doesn’t let go of my hands, his gaze pleading.

“Now, everyone, I know there have been some disturbing rumors floating around about our beloved company, but today someone that I trust very much is going to speak and put all of our minds at ease. Not with more lies and hearsay, but with the truth. Ladies and gentlemen, if you’ll please welcome my very own daughter, Elise Van den Bosch!”

Dan squeezes harder, shaking his head. “No, Elise, don’t,” he hisses, looking almost panicked. My heart is hammering, and it hurts to draw a breath. I'm so scared, but the room is clapping at my name, and eagerly waiting for me to go on stage.

“Fix this for me, Dan,” I whisper, pulling my hands from his. “I have faith in you.”

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