Page 110 of Elise.

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I come with another near-yell, burying my face in his neck and holding on for dear life as my world crashes around me. It bursts out from my center, setting all my nerves on fire, hot and fast as a firebrand.

Dan isn’t far behind, and when he spills himself deep in my pussy, all he can say is my name, over and over. “Elise,” he groans. “Elise, Elise, what did you do to me?”

It sounds like music to my ears.

Thank goodness he’s still holding me up, because I’m not sure there is any way I can swim back to shore now, and from the exhausted sound Dan makes as he lowers me back to my feet in the water, I can’t help but think we both might be stuck out there now. Oh well. At least we’d be together.

“I can’t swim,” I tell him in earnest, tightening my leg’s grip on his waist.

“What, ever? Or just now that I’ve fucked your brains out?”

“Now, jerk.” Despite the bite of my words, I snuggle my face into his neck. “Carry me to shore.”

“Yes, princess Elise,” he groans, using one hand to pull his briefs up. “Anything for you. It’s not like my legs are jelly right now or anything.”

I can’t help but giggle as he carries me back onto the dry land once the staff is gone, maneuvering me into a fireman’s carry once we’re close. I kick my legs, unhappy with the change in position, but Dan just slaps my ass with an open hand hard enough to sting, laughing uproariously the entire time.

It’s all silly. Stupid even. And I love every minute of it.

I love him. I really do… which is a problem for another day. Looking around at everything Dan has organized once he gently deposits me on the beach blanket, there is no way in hell I’m going to ruin this all right now.

We drink the champagne, crisp and dry, out of the crystal flutes, kissing between sips until Dan takes it upon himself to pour a splash down my chest and lick it off. I yelp, and we wrestle until I’m on top of him and repeat the action. When I take my turn licking the alcohol from his skin, he tastes like sea salt and sunshine.

Have I ever been this happy before? If I have, I can’t remember it.

He wraps his arms tightly around me then, until every inch of our available skin is pressed together, and once that’s done he completes the circuit with his lips on mine. We’re lazy and redolent, limbs tangling up and hands caressing anywhere they can reach. Here we are alone and can be whoever we want. Do whatever we want. I hope we never have to leave.

When Dan rolls me onto my back, bracketing my head with his forearms and gazing deep into my eyes, I know this is the moment I’ve been waiting for. We’re so close now that I feel our souls reaching out for one another. I’m going to tell him that I’m in love with him, damn the consequences. I’m tired of playing by the rules… tired of being prim and proper Elise. Above anything else—I want Dan.

I open my mouth to form the words, and yet, nothing comes out.

If you say it, then you’re vulnerable,the frightened part of me says.You’re giving him a weapon to use against you. Right now, you still have the power. Once you say those words, you hand it over to him, and you’re never getting it back.

“What is it?” Dan says, confused at why I’m staring at him with my mouth open, but silent.

“Just that…” I have to look away, so utterly disappointed in myself but in a way relieved that I didn’t tell him. “I really like this.”

“This?” he echoes.

“Yeah, whatever is happening between us.” I rub my thumb over his bottom lip. “I like it.”

Dan chuckles, nipping at the shell of my ear and whispering, “I like it too.”

Of course, we can’t stay in this perfect moment forever, and it isn’t too much longer before my phone rings. Neither of us saysanything as I untangle myself from Dan’s embrace, and it’s no surprise to see that it’s my brother calling.

With a heavy sigh, feeling like a dark cloud is starting to form over me, I answer. “Hello?”

“What a shock that you and Dan are gone again,” my brother gripes. “Where the hell are you?”

“We just went to walk the beach. We were tired of the city and all the shopping. What do you need?”

Andries makes a disbelieving noise but continues. “We’re ready to go back to Capri. Should we wait on you?”

I glance at Dan, who shakes his head no. “Don’t worry about us. We’ll meet you at the villa.”

My brother’s tone changes then, and he sounds almost cajoling. “If I were you, I’d hurry up. I have a surprise waiting at the villa for you.”

Something about his words makes my blood run cold. “A surprise? What is it?”

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