Page 10 of Elise.

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“Hi,” I greet, putting on my most prim and proper tone as my eyes lay on the butler of the family. “I’m here to see Dan. He told me he was here.”

The old man doesn’t seem to recognize me and checks me out from top to bottom without shame. “And you are?”

“Elise Van den Bosch.”

“Oh, of course.” Almost as if by magic, the old man switches expressions, from smug to friendly and I can even see the semblance of a smile tugging at his lips. Then he steps aside, his hand gesturing for me to come in. “This way please, Ms. Van den Bosch.”

I step inside, my chin high, and my eyes already taking in the sumptuous hallway while he leads the way. I’ve only been here once or twice before, but I do remember what a scenic place the seemingly endless house is.

Reaching outside, I fill my lungs with the floral scent that permeates the gardens.

Here in the backyard, the grass is emerald green and wild, filled with different plants and floral species. It also features a large stone patio dotted with gas-powered fire pits that are filled with multicolored fire glass, each surrounded by sumptuous outdoor couches and seats. On the edge of the property, nearly out of sight, there is a small orchard of fruit trees, and when the summer is at its peak, you can smell them on the breeze. Standing on the stone patio, I catch a quick glimpse of Dan, flanked by an older man and woman, who both have notebooks and they are dutifully writing in. It’s rude showing up unannounced, and even more so to barge onto his family’s property after such a terrible phone call, but the idea of the element of surprise is pulling at me hard.

The small group hasn’t seen me yet, and I take extra joy to observe them attentively from where I stand. Dan looks thoughtful, one hand on his chin and the other pointing at a certain place on the lawn, to which his companions nod and continue writing. He doesn’t look stressed, or even upset, but he is serious. Maybe more so than I’ve ever seen him.

I partly expected that I’d cease to be angry once I saw my tentative friend in person, but that is just insulting the case. Seeing him so wrapped up in whatever he is doing, not even giving me a second thought when I’d been fuming about him the whole Uber ride is infuriating.

Because of this, when the butler announces me, I don’t change my pace, just continue advancing with my hands fisted at my sides. Finally, Dan looks in my direction, a bevy of emotions crossing his handsome face. First is shock, next is annoyance, and then eventually, begrudging amusement.

“Elise,” he all but purrs as I come into earshot. “What a… surprise to see you here.”

I shrug one shoulder and flip my hair. “You’ve told Andries hundreds of times that your door is always open for him, andas the current reluctant liaison for the Van den Bosch family, I figured I could be the stand-in.”

“Of course. You’re always welcome, as well.” His words sound honest, but his face says otherwise. “So what do I owe the pleasure, then?”

I ignore his question. “Are you going to introduce me to these two?”

Almost like he forgot they existed, Dan quickly looks at the man and the woman next to him, his expression sheepish. “Ah, sorry. This is Fran and Harold. They’re here to help me plan your brother’s engagement party.”

It’s like I hear the words in slow motion, all the anger that had slowly faded before coming back with a vengeance. I nod to the party planners tightly, snapping out a hand to grab Dan’s bicep. He jolts, looking down at my hand and then back at my face.

“Can I speak to you in private?” I say through my clenched teeth.

“Um, okay.” His eyes go from my face to the two party planners. “You two can finish touring the property and just send me the final plans and cost later, alright?”

I resist the urge to grab him by the ear and pull him along behind me like a bad child, instead letting him lead me over to a small ornamental garden full of roses with a tinkling fountain in the middle featuring the stone figure of a little girl pouring a watering can. I want to kick it.

“I can’t believe you came all the way out here just to yell at me!” Dan says incredulously.

“I haven’t even started,” I snap.

“Oh, but I can tell by your face that you’re working up to it. What are you doing here?”

I step closer to him, having to tilt my head back to look into his face because of the extra height he has over me.“In what world could you possibly have thought that throwing an engagement party for my brother would be a good idea, especially without even telling me first?” I hiss.

“The world in which I am a grown man who makes my own decisions, and the world in which Andries is my best friend, not you.”

His words sting for some reason that I can’t pinpoint. “I’ve told you how much I dread him marrying Roxanne, and now here you are participating in the fast-tracking of that doomed event. I’ve had zero time to try and convince Dad and Mom to attend, and until I spoke to my brother, I didn’t even know the party was already being planned! Dad is going to have a conniption fit.” I blow out a breath. “You could have at least consulted me first.”

“But why?” Dan holds his hands out, motioning to the property around him. “This is my place and your brother’s engagement. Why would I consult you at all? Have you thought that maybe Andries isn’t even sure that he wants you at his engagement party? You certainly haven’t been the picture of caring sisterhood for him.”

The stinging feeling gets worse, but I refuse to acknowledge the hurt his words are building in me. “I’ll have you know that not only did Andries and I talk today, but he also invited me to the engagement party.”

He smirks and shakes his head. “Sometimes I forget how young you are. If you’re trying to regain your brother's trust, it’s going to take a lot more than just attending this party, El. Trust me on that.”

“How can I trust you about anything now?” The corners of my eyes are burning, and I blink rapidly to avoid any budding tears. “I thought you were someone I could commiserate with. Now I know you’re just a backstabbing asshole.”

“Elise,” Dan replies, voice soft and slightly hurt. “I’ve been your brother’s best friend for so long. I don’t know what you expect from me. You and the rest of his family pretty much left him high and dry when it came out that he was in love with Roxanne, and now he’s basically planning a wedding with me and a few distant relatives. This isn't about you. Stop being selfish.”

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