Page 87 of Andries.

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We stay connected that way, exchanging searing kisses while I drive the both of us higher and higher. Andries touches me all over, his fingertips pressing into my skin. He and I are like one living thing, sharing both a heartbeat and breaths.

My need takes on a desperate edge, and I have to push against more, roll against him further, to get that last little push toward my climax. It’s been building this entire time slowly but powerfully like drops of water into a cup, but now it’s about to spill out of me, if only I can tip it over.

With my orgasm hovering just out of my reach, I have the sudden urge to crush my lips to his. I do so, kissing his plush, full lips with such delirious need that it’s almost bruising, our teeth clicking together. I make Andries drink my moans as they pour out of my throat, and he rewards me with the undeniably male sound of a growl rising from his chest.

He pulls his mouth away just long enough to grit out, “Easy, love,” before I’m on him again, the silky rolling motion of my hips becoming tumultuous and unhinged. I want to come… I want to come so badly, and I’m so close that it’s driving me mad.

Andries steadies me, moving his hands from my breasts and moving them to my hips, keeping my body steady while he takes just the smallest bit of control from me. He’s fucking me in even strokes upward and into my pussy, the firm grip keeping me right where he needs me to fill me deliciously with his cock again and again.

Combined with the way I writhe forward, forcing the thick head of his member against my g-spot, Andries gives me just enough to push me over the edge and into the climax I’ve been chasing. Almost without warning, I’m swept away by a deep, shuddering orgasm, hands clutching his shoulders for dear life.

When Andries comes, he sucks in a breath sharply, burying his face against my neck and locking his teeth into my shoulderwith just enough pressure to sting, his thrusts becoming uneven until he finally stills against me.

The heat of his cum sets off little aftershocks in me. I ride the last of them out, laying my forehead against his and whispering, “I love you, Andries. I love you.”

He nuzzles my neck and jaw in lazy, ardent kisses as we both wind down. I know it’s just an excuse to stay inside of me, but I want the same thing, so I let him take his time. It should be too hot, both of us slicked with sweat and pressed together with not even air between our bodies, but the heat is almost intoxicating. I want Andries just like this, every night, forever. Even if it costs me so much, he’s worth that and more.

His arms lock around me like a vice, as if he’s just as unwilling as I am to separate. “Are you really going to step down from the agency?” he asks, catching me off guard.

“Yes. I’m trying,” I promise, kissing the corner of his mouth. “I want to be back together like before, and I know that you aren’t comfortable with my job. Just be patient with me.”

“For you,” he says huskily, “I could wait for eternity.”


Amsterdam, March 4, 2022


I didn’t thinkI would be as nervous as I’m to go through with the interview tonight, but I can’t help the tapping of my foot or the clenching and unclenching of my fists as my lawyer draws up the agreement for Patricia. I’m not even the one giving the interview, but it’s impossible to deny that I was now the key orchestrator of Patricia going up against Karl.

Patricia looks beautiful tonight; I’m sure it’s because she knows she’ll be all over the local news within a few days, but she also looks startlingly young in her mauve sweater, pearl necklace, and matching pearl earrings. It’d certainly shock everyone to see someone so innocent looking decrying the sins of escorting to the world.

She keeps looking up at me from where she is seated in front of my lawyer’s desk, smiling excitedly. I suppose it must be a totally new experience for her, and she was also minutes away from getting a twenty-five thousand euro check from me too. That would excite anyone.

Signing without an ounce of hesitation, Patricia plucks the neatly written check out of my hand with glee, looking it over with sparkling eyes before carefully tucking it into her clutch purse.

“Are you ready now?” I ask, trying to ignore the feeling that I’m being used and focus on the good that will come out of this.

“As ready as I'll ever be,” she confirms, wringing her hands as we exit the office and walk toward my car. To keep everything as private as possible, I had decided to drive her myself. Everyone would know the truth soon enough, but it would undermine this whole deal if someone else got wind of what Patricia and I were doing this night.

To further ensure that the interview is kept secret, we decide to do it under the cover of night. I keep glancing over at Patricia as we drive, the streetlights illuminating her face in waves. I have been through so much to make things right for this girl, so why am I now feeling this bitter animosity toward her? Not much of it, but enough to notice.

It’s especially obvious when I see her keep checking the inside of her clutch and feeling the check with her fingers, assuring herself it’s still there.

RTL studios is mostly dark this late, but there are a few windows in the pale rectangular building lit up. Media never sleeps, I guess.

I keep close to Patricia as we walk in, and she keeps her head down. She invokes so many feelings in me; pity, protectiveness, and the aforementioned bitterness all at once. I’m looking forward to lessening our interactions once this is all over with. Her true anxiousness begins to show once we are inside RTL, and everything becomes real to her. Patricia’s hand shoots out and grabs mine almost involuntarily and I let her, cupping her palm while not interlacing our fingers as I take her to theelevator. It feels wrong, but I have to keep telling myself that she needs a friend right now.

“Am I doing the right thing?” she asks quietly as the elevator descends to the basement studio.

“Absolutely, yes,” I reply. What I don’t say is that it’s too late to back out now, anyway. She already signed the contract.

The studio Kenneth has brought us to is bland but comfortable, the walls painted a diluted burnt orange, a bevy of different lights and mics hanging on the ceiling, and in the center of the area underneath it all is a dark brown loveseat directly across from a matching cozy chair. It’s all meant to put the interviewee at ease enough to open up while still being basic enough to work for all genres of pieces that might have need of an interview. The seats are surrounded by multiple cameras, and once we enter the room, the employees milling around begin the soundcheck.

Kenneth isn’t wearing his unassuming college gear that he had sported when confronting me the first time outside my apartment. Instead he looks slick and professional, having traded his thick-rimmed glasses for sharp, thin metal ones and his curly dark hair perfectly combed back. Just like the room, he has some touches that make him more approachable; his white linen button up has the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and the top button undone, giving his appearance just enough softness that Patricia wouldn't feel like she was being interrogated. It strikes me that he might be a much more impressive adversary than I had first anticipated. He obviously seems like a capable man. I’ll try and keep him on my good side.

Kenneth nods briefly to me, but after that all his attention goes to Patricia, who positively blooms under Kenneth’s praise for her bravery. There’s a blush of red around her hairline and neck as he leads her to her seat and sinks down into the chair across from her.

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