Page 85 of Andries.

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“Yeah I, um, I didn’t sign it.”

I’m glad she can’t see the cringe that overtakes me hearing her say it out loud. Karl was right. “Oh…may I ask why? It would definitely make things simpler for you.”

“I want justice, and that settlement was just a way to silence me.” Patricia tries to put some bravery in her voice, but to me it just rings false.

“Wow,” I laugh awkwardly. “For someone who didn’t even want to file a police report, you’ve taken quite a U-turn. Was the settlement not good enough?”

Patricia makes an odd noise, one that sounds strangely regretful. “It was great, but money is not everything in life. I realized there’s enough evidence to convict him and I want to go down that road.”

What? That doesn’t make sense!I remember Patricia telling me not so long ago how she felt guilty about Karl's arrest. Multiple times she has told me that she enjoyed his company and that he had been kind to her. She had been so reluctant to go to the police, and now she’s adamant on going to court and getting justice? It just isn’t adding up. Something is clearly off.

“You know, if there’s something you want to tell me,” I tell her slowly. “I can help you navigate this whole situation….”

Patricia’s voice takes on a stubborn tone, and it’s clear she’s done with the subject. “I’m good. I’ve got a great lawyer and friends.”

“I’m sure you do. I just wanted to offer you a helping hand if you needed it,” I assure her.

“Well, I don’t. Thanks for calling though. Bye, Roxanne.”

“Bye….” I hang up and sit the phone on my desk, rubbing my eyes with the heels of my hands.

I know that someone is pulling Patricia’s strings behind the scenes, I just can’t figure out who. It isn’t her defense, since her lawyer had wanted her to take the settlement, so it has to be someone with a grudge toward either Karl, or myself.

There’s only one person I know that has direct animosity toward me, and that’s Elise Van Den Bosch. She’s also Patricia’s friend, so it would make sense she’d worry more about some false justice instead of money.

With a heavy sigh, and feeling like I’m consorting with the enemy, I call Karl again, guilt churning in my gut the moment he picks up.

“I think it’s Elise prodding her to continue the court case. You need to speak to Sebastian and see if he can get his daughter under control.”


Amsterdam, March 1, 2022


It’s been a painfullylong day, and the idea of going home to be alone is almost too much to bear. I make my way back to my apartment, going back and forth in my mind about whether I should invite Andries over again already, especially after outing his sister to Karl, but in the end my desire to be with him wins out.

I miss you, I text him.I’ve been thinking about you all day.

Oh?he replies.How so?

Well, I thought about you the most when I started to look for buyers for the agency. Hard not to think about you while doing that.

It takes him some time to respond, and I worry that I have upset him with the slightly snarky part of the message.

To my relief, he finally replies,Are you serious? If so, I’m really proud of you! That’s such a big step.

Kicking my feet up on the sofa, I grin, and hold the phone to my chest with happiness. When I go to answer back, I see he’s texted me again.

Remember when we spoke about going to Paris with your mom and sister?

Confused, I text,Yes…and?

When you step down from the agency, I’d love for us to go there and celebrate.

The fact that he remembered that little detail about my life makes me love him even more. I have to see him tonight!

I think that’s a great idea,I tell him.Why don’t you come over and we can discuss it further?

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