Page 112 of Andries.

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“Thanks,” he answers, before planting a soft kiss on my lips. Then he takes his glass of champagne and raises it slightly in the air. “To us.”

I do the same and clink my glass to his in a toast. “To us.”

After scanning over the menu, Andries asks for lasagne, and I order some spaghetti Bolognese. We eat while talking about lighter subjects, and his mood is much more jovial than before. All of a sudden though, I feel my iPhone vibrating inside my clutch. At first, I ignore it, but curiosity getting the best of me, I decide to discreetly pull the phone out when Andries is focused on his lasagne, only to find out it’s a text from his sister herself. What the heck? What would Elise want from me?

I take the moment to pull out my phone and read it:

Hey, Roxanne. It’s Elise. I need to talk to you face to face. Are you available Monday at around 9 AM? It’s quite important. Thanks.

It’s brief, but it stuns me nonetheless. What could she possibly want to talk about on Monday? As I come to think of it, that’s the day I’m testifying at Karl’s trial. I sigh heavily. She probably wants to beg on her dad’s behalf that I don’t testify against his favorite employee. Well, I’ve already made up my mind on the subject, but I accept the invitation anyway. It’s always a good idea to meet with his sister and try to reconnect with her.

“Is everything okay?” Andries asks, most likely noticing the astonishment on my face.

I lock the phone and put it back on my clutch, before returning my attention to him. “I’m fine,” I tell him, my lips curving into a smile. Noticing he’s already finished his dish, I take the menu again and ask, “Do you want some dessert?”

A naughty smirk that is all too familiar starts forming across his lips, and he leans closer to my ear as he whispers, “I’m only hungry for one thing… And I’m certain it’s not on the menu.” He nibbles the shell of my ear lightly, driving his point home.

My heart pounds, prickly heat coats my arm, and I’m sure my blood pressure is steadily rising. I wet my lips as I picturewhat we’ll do once we reach home. Andries calls for the waitress, gesturing for the check as I try to contain myself until we’re in private.

After we pay, we walk out of the restaurant hand in hand, our stomachs full and our minds already elsewhere, making our way to the parking lot. Reaching my car, Andries presses me against it, and, holding my face between his hands, he suddenly comes down on my mouth, hard and intense, kissing me with so much fervor that I feel a rush of wetness coating the fabric of my panties. His tongue dives in, fondling mine, and I moan at the connection, my clit throbbing with need. He rolls his hips into me, pressing his erection against my core, causing me to gasp.

“You’ve no idea how much I missed you,” he growls against my mouth, when our lips part just for a brief moment. He holds me captive by the fingertips and the air grows almost too thick to breathe. But I need more, so I shut the small gap between us and kiss him back, slipping my tongue past his lips, moaning and tasting him until he groans with pleasure in my mouth.

“Let's go home,” he says in a quick, short breath. “Or else I’m gonna have you here.”

I gasp immediately at his words. “Are you serious?” My eyes start scanning through the parking lot, and even though it’s nearly pitch dark, there are a few passers-by walking not too far from us. When I look back at Andries, he’s got that devilish smirk on his face and I know if we don’t leave right now, I’ll be in trouble. I manage to walk past him and go around the car to the driver’s seat.

I open the door and lower myself, realizing it’s the first time he’s going to be a passenger.

“You look like you’re at the helm of a pirate ship and not a car. So smug and mischievous,” Andries quips. “Almost like you have something naughty in mind.”

“Not at all, you just have your mind in the gutter,” I respond tartly, but I know he can see the quirk of my lips and the amusement I’m feeling.

“It’s only there because my girlfriend insists on parading herself around without a bra,” he rumbles. I feel his fingers on my upper thighs then, just a shadow of a touch, but it makes me shiver.

I pull out into traffic, but the roads aren’t as busy as they usually are, so instead of swatting his hand away I let Andries touch me to his heart's content. It starts with just fingers and palms on my upper thighs, hips, and belly, stroking along my ribs like he’s memorizing me through touch. I keep my eyes on the road and my muscles loose–that is, until his wandering hands make their way to the underside of my breasts, bare under just the thin layer of fabric, and I’m keenly aware that this isn’t going to stop at just some flirtatious caresses.

My grip tightens on the steering wheel as Andries’ fingers find my nipples, tracing tight circles around them before pinching lightly. I make a small yelp of a noise, and he chuckles darkly.

“Look how hard your nipples are,” he says roughly. “If we were still at the restaurant, everyone would see how hot I make you.”

I can only spare him a quick glance while driving, but when he tugs one of my hands off the wheel, I let him, starting to lose my senses in the haze of arousal. When he presses it over the hard length of his cock, that arousal spikes sharply.

At first, Andries guides my movements, his big palm wrapped around my wrist as he shows me just how he wants me to stroke him. I can feel the heat of him through his pants, and the way he gets harder and harder for me, until Andries finally lets me set the pace.

He folds his arms behind his head, and my nipples tingle at the loss of his touch. It doesn’t matter, though. This is all about him now.

“You like it when I touch you like this?” I ask, squeezing his cock. “You like getting jerked off in the car, Andries? Cumming in your pants for me?”

“God, I love your filthy mouth,” he groans.

“I love yours too,” I admit. “Especially when it’s between my legs.”

“Fuck–” he hisses, bucking against my hand, but I don’t let up, relentlessly stroking him.

“If I let you come, are you still going to be able to fuck me when we get home?”

Andries blows out a breath slowly, his body started to push against my hand. “Roxie, I could fuck through a brick wall right now. There is no way in hell I’m not going to be inside you tonight.”

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