Page 108 of Andries.

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She nods, before her gaze returns to her plate. “Yes, I remember when she talked to me about it. There were four units, all part of the same building, if I recall properly.”

“Would you mind checking to see if I own them?” I ask as she focuses on cutting her food. “You have access to all the properties the family office manages, right?”

“I suppose.” Some silence settles while she finishes to eat, but my eyes remain pinned on her. After drinking some water, she finally heaves a sigh, and says, “Fine, I’ll check that for you.”

“If those buildings have been transferred to my name, can you change the banking details accordingly?” I press on, causing her to stare at me slightly perplexed. “After all, I should be the one receiving the income that comes from the properties I own, not my parents.”

“I can do that, yes, but I hope you’ll give me a bit more details from your side as to why you have been disowned. Your mom didn’t tell me much.”

I can't help but wonder if Mom was just too ashamed to tell Oma the truth, but I brush the thought aside as soon as it came. “Roxanne and I are back together,” I announce, which makes her frown in confusion. “For good. And my parents don’t like the idea of it.” Again, her eyebrow twitches and I know she’s intrigued.

“You’ve decided to give her another chance? Even after everything that has happened?” I know the question is coming from a good place, not a bad one. She’s not demeaning Roxanne, but it’s legitimate to have concerns, since my grandmother knows the type of business she is involved with like everyone else does now.

“She’s trying to find a buyer for her business. Selling it is a big step in the right direction,” I tell her and take another bite of my purée with some lamb on it.

“Selling?” Oma repeats, her tone laced with surprise. “So she’s looking for a buyer right now?”

I nod while chewing and she looks away, as if thinking something through. “That’s an interesting take. Do you know a bit more about her business?”

“More than just a bit, yeah,” I answer, quite amused at her question. “It’s actually pretty impressive when you look at the whole operation and how she manages things.”

“That’s what I’m curious about. I’d imagine that she owns the client roster and then simply outsources her… talents?”

“I know she has got a few women on the payroll,” I divulge. “I can't tell you for sure how many, but she’s got a whole team to take care of the bookings and management of the girls.”

“Do you know anything about the way the fees and transactions are structured?” Now that question gives me pause and causes me to raise my eyebrow a bit.

“I actually don’t. That would be something you would have to ask Roxanne herself.” As I come to think of it, I can’t help but look her in the eye and ask, “Why are you asking these questions, anyway? Are you interested in buying her agency or something?” Thinking about my grandmother actually owning an escort service, even one slated for only the best of customers is kind of funny in my mind. A madam that would be old enough to be the mother of the customers and the grandmother to the girls.

“I didn’t know she was such a savvy businesswoman, that’s all,” she says quickly and picks up her fork to take a bite of her purée. Just as quickly the subject is changed, but it still makes me wonder. The idea of Roxanne being able to sell her business would only make things better for both of us. On top of that, if I can get ahold of the properties that I’m entitled to, we can both have a nice jumping point to move forward with and I can start to really think about the future. In the back of my mind, I make a mental note to remind Grandma to approach Roxanne if shewants to know further about her agency as we move on to other topics of conversation.

It was definitely the right choice to come out here, and I know that it always will be. As much as my father might want me to suffer or be under his thumb, it’s good to know that one side of the family would rather see me thrive instead of descend into trouble.


Amsterdam, March 24, 2022


The trialof Karl Townsend has been the talk of the town—especially for those we wanted to sell the agency to. They have perceived the case as a weakness and tried to devalue my agency and its worth. Regardless, I’m confident about my price tag, and I have no intention of selling it for less. As we finish yet another phone call without closing any deal, Poppy returns to her desk with a semblance of disappointment plastered on her lovely face. On my side, I take this moment of solitude to text Andries and check on him. It’s been nearly a week since Julia came to my penthouse to threaten me and her son, and yet, I can’t seem to stop thinking about it. Andries might not have said a word about it since then, but I know him all too well. The disowning of his parents is impacting him much more than he lets on. I wish I could do something for him. But what?

Not even ten minutes after Poppy leaves, I hear a few knocks on my office door.

“Roxanne?” Poppy asks, peering in the doorway. “There’s someone who would like to talk to you,” she says.

“Oh,” I utter, given the fact I had an hour without any appointment. “Who?”

I can see Poppy hesitating before blurting out softly, “Andries’ grandmother.”

My eyes widen immediately in surprise, and I leap off of my chair just as fast, smoothing my dress at the same time. “Of course, let her in.”

I see Poppy stepping aside and give space for a tall white-haired woman to walk past her.

“Good afternoon, Ms. Feng,” she greets, her elegant fragrance permeating the room the second she walks in. “I presume you must be surprised by my visit, but your PA told me you were at the office the whole afternoon, so I thought to stop by,” she says politely. “I hope you don't mind.”

“Well, um, not at all.” I’m still so stunned by her presence in my modest office, that is actually hard to even articulate. “Um, please, come on in,” I tell her, trying to compose myself. “Can I get you something? Water, coffee, tea—”

“I’m good, thank you,” she says, her eyes lingering around the room.

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