Page 44 of Ice Queen

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I sighed and made a show of getting out of the chair to study the seating chart. “No, no, no. This won’t do.” I laughed. “Mr. Hallman had an affair with Briar Windsor’s nanny. Their wives hate each other.”

The wedding planner gave me a ‘gotcha’ look. “See, that’s why we need you here.”

“Alright, alright.” I rolled up my sleeves. “This might be the last day that I can get out riding, so let’s get this done.”

Each of the names had Velcro glued to the back and I felt like I was doing a complex mathematical equation in front of an adoring college class. When I was done, Ali and the wedding planner, Martha, sat back and clapped.

Marisa jumped to her feet and hugged me. “Thank you, Everleigh. I just have two more people that weren’t on the list.”

“Shoot.” I rubbed my hands together, ready for the challenge.

Marisa, who was typically a very confident woman, seemed to shrink. “I’ve sent an invitation to my daughter, and I’m hoping that she accepts.”

The woman’s voice quivered, and even though I doubted her intentions with my father, the emotion in her voice when she talked about her daughter was real. “Who’s the other person?”

“Well, Everleigh, you. Are you bringing a date?”

The wedding was months away. I’d been on a couple of dates with the financier from Antwerp but he was a total snore. “I…”

Marisa handed me an empty card. “Why don’t we leave a space for someone, just in case.”

“No.” I refused to accept the card. “Not necessary. I’m in the wedding party. I won’t have time to entertain some man. I’ll be busy helping you with your garter and flowers.” I hoped that she wasn’t planning to do the traditional things – both she and my father had done them multiple times before.

Marisa handed the blank card back to Martha. “If you change your mind, I’m sure we can make something work.”

I studied the floor plan. “Martha, if – what’s your daughter’s name again?”

“Hannah,” Marisa said.

“If Hannah RSVP’s yes, can we extend the head table and add one?” I asked.

Martha pursed her lips and studied the chart. “Yes, but it would look better if we had two more at the head table.”

Ali gave me a look and I knew what she wanted me to say.

“Alright, Marisa. If Hannah comes to the wedding, I will bring a date so she can sit with us at the head table. If that’s what you want.”

Marisa clasped her hands together. “You would do that for me?”

I already regretted it, but nodded. “Yes. Now, are we done here?” I was getting impatient.

“I suppose we are.” Martha had gathered up the seating charts. “Thank you for your help. This is going to save us a lot of drama.”

I laughed a little louder than I should have. “Oh, don’t worry. With all of these people under one roof, there will still be plenty of drama.”

“Everleigh.” Ali shook her head at me.

I shrugged. “You.” I pointed at my future sister-in-law. “Take the afternoon off and come riding with me.”

Alison stood and ate one of the tiny sandwiches from a silver tray that sat on the grand piano. “I had to take the whole day off just to get out here. Someone had already reserved the chopper.” Alison never took the helicopter, so I knew she was just grinding my gears.

“Well then, what are you waiting for? I’ve got a whole room full of riding gear.”

Alison was as skilled on a horse as I was, if not more. I had grown up riding thoroughbreds, and she had grown up herding cattle on a farm. I had only ridden with her a few times, but already she was my favorite riding partner. “I brought my own gear,” Alison said. “I had a feeling you might want to ride.”

“Go have fun, girls.” Marisa shooed us out of the parlour. “I’ll have the maid clean all of this up.”

Once we were out of earshot, Ali wrapped her arm around my neck and pulled me in. “See, she isn’t so bad.”
