Page 28 of Ice Queen

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Coach looked from Everleigh to me, but didn’t ask what the two of us were doing in the hallway. “You working out too, Lockwood?” he asked.

“I’m done.” I picked up my bag.

“Meet me in my office. I’ll be there all morning.” Coach walked away, and it could’ve been me being paranoid, but I could swear he’d shaken his head like he knew.

“That was close,” Everleigh whispered. “Too close.”

“Do you think he knows?” I asked.

Everleigh scrunched her brow and half rolled her eyes. “That guy wouldn’t pick up on anything unless we were passing a puck between us. Then he would’ve noticed.”

Miles stepped into the hallway and made a show of looking at his watch. “You’re not the only one whose time is important, Everleigh.”

I couldn’t stop the smile that spread across my face. Not many people could talk to Everleigh like that, and it made Miles go up a few notches in my book.

“I should go.”

“Okay.” Everleigh’s voice cracked. It was subtle, and before we’d gotten together, I don’t think I would’ve noticed the waver.

Miles crossed his arms and pursed his lips. “Let me guess. You’re Lockwood?”

Everleigh shot the man a glare and pushed him into the gym. I’d taken two steps before the door opened back up and Everleigh stuck her head out. “How’s Norman?” she whispered.

“He’s doing better than anyone expected. He’ll be chasing tennis balls before winter.”

Her eyes looked sad, but there was a smile on her face. “Glad to hear.”

“You’re going to have to send me a bill for that you know.”

“Not a fucking chance.”

“Everleigh!” Miles yelled from the depths of the gym.

“Gotta go.” And this time she disappeared for good. I know because I waited in the hallway for a few seconds longer than I should have.

If we couldn’t be in the same room without wanting to rip each other’s clothes off, how was it going to work?

One of us had to get some self-control, and I hoped it didn’t have to be me.



My legs shookas the shower beat against my shoulder blades. Miles had been hard on me, but the tough workout wasn’t the reason I was jittery. Seeing Gunnar had done something to me. I turned off the tap and squeezed the excess water out of my hair, as I tried to get his face out of my mind. I wondered if I’d ever be able to shake Number Eleven.

At lunch I’d wanted to tell Ali about Gunnar. Other than Ali, I didn’t have any close girlfriends to talk to about my feelings, so I had confided in Miles.

His advice was to change the rules so that I could date Gunnar. It seemed simple to him. But even though I was the GM, I didn’t have that kind of power. As one of the few women GMs in the league, the spotlight shone brighter on me. I had to be careful.

I dried my hair and put on my favorite pinstripe suit, then headed to Coach’s office.

“Come in,” he shouted.

“Hi, Coach.” I sat and draped my arms over the wide sides of the leather club chair. I was his boss, and a power pose would speak as loud as my words.

Coach smiled and folded his hands in front of him on his desk. “How are you doing?”

“Fine.” I tilted my head. Coach didn’t usually start with pleasantries.
