Page 23 of Ice Queen

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The water was only waist deep and Everleigh stood, her soaking wet hair plastered over her chest, water running down her tight stomach. I dove under the water, and with one breath and two long underwater swim strokes, my hands touched her thighs. Without emerging for a breath, I gripped the back of her legs and kissed her pussy. Her legs buckled as my lips met hers under the water. Coming up for a breath, I stood, my manhood rock-hard in the warm breeze. Without saying anything, I grabbed her hand and pulled her to the shore. Once we reached the banks, she stood facing me, her chest noticeably rising and falling.

“Don’t you have something to show me?” It sounded like a challenge. Her voice was raspy and almost breathy.

When we’d been together the night before, it had been a mixture of lovemaking and fucking. I couldn’t tell which she liked better – the slow and passionate with extended eye contact, or the rough and primal. Her eyes had glinted when I’d spanked her ass though, the same way they’d glinted as she taunted me from the sandy beach.

I strode towards her, wrapping my arm around her waist, then continuing the movement so she had to take steps backwards until I had her pressed against the trunk of a giant willow tree, its branches draping around us like a privacy curtain. I paused with my cock about to press into her warmth.

“Shit. Everleigh,” I growled into her shoulder, “I don’t have anything here.”

“I know your health history Gunnar, and you don’t have to worry about mine.” She rocked her hips, my cock dangerously close to her warmth. “I’m on the pill.”

With anyone else that would’ve ended things. I knew way too many guys who had gotten themselves into situations they didn’t want to be in. But Everleigh wasn’t like those bunnies.

She nipped at my ear. “And you can be soft and sweet later.”

I could read between the lines, and I was horny beyond all belief. I turned her around by her hips. “Hold onto that tree, Sweetheart.”

Everleigh looked over her shoulder and dug her fingertips into the bark, spreading her legs slightly further apart and arching her back. In seconds, she’d gone from sexy mermaid to an even sexier forest nymph, and I didn’t enter her slowly. I brushed the bark off her lower back and swept her hair to the side so I could see more of her skin. Pressing one hand on her mid back and holding her hip with the other, I had her in the perfect position – to come in seconds. I thrusted hard once, then twice, and then had to pull out. My legs were shaking, and the way she moaned when I pushed into her didn’t help the situation. I couldn’t be a two pump chump.

I dropped to my knees and buried my face between her legs, taking advantage of the angle. This time it was her legs that were shaking, and it only took seconds for her entire body to quiver. “Gunnar. Oh, Gunnar,” she screamed, louder than she had the night before in her house. Her body tensed completely. “I’m going to…” She couldn’t finish her sentence. She screamed my name again and then her body went limp. I stood to hold her upright.

“That was incredible,” she said panting. “Now you’d better fucking come.”

She didn’t have to tell me twice. Breath pressed out of her lungs as I pushed her against the tree, thrusting into her from behind. She moaned and raked the bark of the tree with her fingernails. I managed three hard pumps, feeling her grip me tightly, her voice low and guttural as it whispered for me to give it to her harder. “Oh. Everleigh.” I held onto her shoulders. “Oh My Fucking God. Everleigh.” My cock twitched inside of her and the muted green light beneath the willow tree flashed white as the orgasm rushed through my body.

“Everleigh.” I was out of breath. I took her hand from the tree and wrapped my arms around her body, resting my forehead against her neck and embracing her as we recovered together. She turned in my arms and leaned against the tree. I was expecting her to say something smart-ass or maybe even a little rude, but instead she sighed.

“It’s too bad.”

“What’s too bad?” My face was only inches from hers.

“That we can’t keep doing this. Because this is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

Her sweetness caught me off guard and I couldn’t meet her eyes. If she started to cry, I wouldn’t be able to take it. I had to comfort her and protect her; not make her feel sad. “Day’s not over yet,” I growled and kissed her jawbone. She coughed and then laughed. We were both sweaty and smelled like sex.

“Now get back in that river.”



The creek gurgledand the moon shone brightly through the window of the cabin, but that wasn’t what had kept me awake all night. The cabin was a special place, and I hadn’t brought anyone there since my mom had died. She’d used the cabin as her studio, and after all these years there were still spatters of acrylic paint on the floorboards.

Sleeping meant waking up, and morning meant the end. I wanted to drink in every minute I had with Gunnar. From the first time we kissed, I’d felt something with him that I’d never felt with anyone before. Until that kiss, my career had been the most important thing in the world to me – it wasn’t something I did, it was who I was. Up until meeting Gunnar Lockwood, no one could’ve distracted me or torn me from my path to becoming the owner of a National League team – just like my father.

Beside me, Gunnar’s breath was steady and reassuring. I traced my fingertips over his chest, watching it rise and fall as he slept, and then rested my ear on his chest, the thump of his heart beating beneath me. I didn’t remember falling asleep, only waking up to the sound of chirping birds.

“Are you staring at me?” Gunnar didn’t open his eyes, but stroked my hair.

“Like a creep,” I said, my chin digging into his chest as I spoke.

“Did you get any sleep?” he asked. He still hadn’t opened his eyes but continued to stroke my hair.

I sighed. “Not much.”

“Me neither.”

“Your snoring told me otherwise.”
