Page 11 of Ice Queen

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Everleigh sucked the remainder of the cake off her fork. “You think I’m a lady?”

I couldn’t tell whether she was shocked or toying with me. The sparkle in her eye hinted that she was doing the latter. I squeezed my eyes tightly, remembering why I had booked the meeting. We had shifted into flirting territory and I needed answers, not excitement. Watching Everleigh’s red lips on the fork, and being close enough to smell her, had turned my stomach into a jittery mess. “I think you’re a businesswoman.”

She bit the tines and grinned. “Very diplomatic, Mr. Lockwood.”

Just as I was about to ask her about the changes to the team, her phone buzzed, shaking the stainless steel table. She groaned. “I have to take this.”

I started to stand. “Stay.” She held up her index finger. “It’s just the bride.”

Everleigh’s tone changed, and while her words were kind, her tone matched her nickname – icy. I strained my ears but could only hear her side of the conversation.

“The chocolate was okay but I loved the carrot. You picked it because it’s daddy’s favorite, right?”

She nodded to whatever Marisa was saying on the other side of the call.

“Yes. Carrot cake is his absolute favorite. You should go with it.”

When the call disconnected, she slipped the phone into her handbag. “Sorry about that. I’ll be so happy when all of this wedding bullshit is over.”

“That was nice of you. I’m impressed.”

Her brow knitted. “What was nice of me?”

“Telling her about your dad’s favorite cake.”

She laughed. “My dad doesn’t have a favorite cake.”

This was the side that people didn’t like, and seeing the manipulative side of Everleigh cooled down the thoughts I’d had about ripping the buttons off her shirt to see if she was wearing the lace bra that I liked. “Why would you do that?”

Everleigh reared back. “Excuse me?”

It was obvious that she wasn’t used to people calling her out on her behavior. “Everleigh, you liked the chocolate cake. Are you purposely being a…”

She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows. The word cunt was right there, but like I said, I was raised a gentleman – even though her behavior didn’t seem ladylike.

When I didn’t respond, her hands dropped to her side. “I know.” She sighed. “It’s just, this is the third wedding I’ve sat through since my mom died. Marisa seems okay, I guess. But I know that she’s not going to be around for long, and when she figures out that she’s not going to get a cent in the divorce, she’ll turn nasty. Trust me. I actually liked his third wife while they were married, but when they divorced, she turned on me. She’d never actually liked me or Colton. It had all been fake, just like this is all fake. I guess subjecting the guests to carrot cake is my way of getting back at her before she can hurt me or my family.” Her voice cracked and I thought that I saw a shimmer in her eye. “But Gunnar. The carrot cake is still pretty good.”

No tears fell, but she opened the box and pinched a bite of the brown cake between her fingers. Still shocked at her admission, I waited for her to pop the cake into her mouth, but instead, she leaned on her elbows and put it to my lips.

My mouth watered but not from the cake. She met my gaze, waiting for me to open my mouth. I wanted to. Her soft fingers on my lips would taste better than any cake. But instead, I pushed her hand away.

“I want to talk to you about the lineup.”

She narrowed her lips and then popped the cake into her mouth, sucking each fingertip. “What about the lineup?” she asked in between sucks.

“Ever since the pool party we’ve had to fight for our positions. Coach had everything taken care of, and now it seems like we’re starting from scratch. And…” I took a breath, wondering if I should continue.

“And?” She wiped her hands on a napkin, wadded it up, and dropped it in the empty cake box.

“It feels like you’re punishing…us.” I wanted to say me. It felt like she was punishing the team because of me.

Everleigh leaned on the table, her arms spread wide gripping the edge across from me. “Do you have any idea what kind of pressure I’m under to repeat last year’s success?”

“I can imagine.” I nodded. We had come from barely making the playoffs to winning the cup after Everleigh had taken over as general manager. “But we’re the same team. I’d even say that we’re a better team.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.” She crossed her arms and the playful glint was gone from her eyes.

“Fair enough.” I held my hands up in front of me. I didn’t agree with her, but I knew when to back down.
