Page 67 of Bridge of Souls

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“And either Veronica has found out what you did and thrown you out for it, or you were expecting someone else.” I keep my voice below the caution line. If either Circe or Hecate lingered after their tiff, it’s best that my murmur blends with the stirring beasts.

“Truthfully, neither,” Arden says. “Hard as it is to believe, Veronica’s working on her Zen-derful side. She’s happy all three of the kids are safe and is even talking about throwing a thank-you bash with you and me as guests of honor.”

“In what world does she think that’s a great idea?”

“Insanity and brilliance often ride the same zip line.”

I discreetly clear my throat. “Funny that you bring that up. The insanity portion, at least.”

“Well, now I’m curious.”

“Fine. Just tell me you’re curious and close. To Iremia, I mean.”

A rough hum escapes from him. “I can be. What’s going on? Are Kell and Kara still safe?”

“For the time being, yes. And I plan on keeping it that way.”

“So what do you need from me?”

“A fast and private way past Hecate’s perimeter. Then a faster ride back into the city.”

“Done. I can meet you and Kara at—”

“No. Just me. Kara can’t know about this. Same goes for your betrothed. Not yet, at least. Hopefully all this leads us to absolutely nothing. If that’s the case, I’ll gladly wear a dozen eggs all over my face.”

“I’ll hold you to that.”

It takes me a second to respond to his thoroughly serious line. “Just get here as soon as you can, fancy pants.”

After telling me to wait for him at the old well near the barn, he quickly disconnects the call. But there’s one more call I have to make before climbing down from here.

The other person who’s crucial for this process.

The guy who picks up my call after half a ring.

“Well, if it isn’t my favorite pain in the ass.”

“Is that any way to talk to a colleague, Professor North?”

“When said colleague disappears for a couple of days and has me fearing the worst? Why don’tyouanswer that?”

“And why don’t I do you one better?”

“That depends. Are you bearing some bottles of Macallan or a pair of kinky twins?”

I laugh, which feels good despite the ape-sized stress that insists on riding my back. “How about an invitation to meet at the research library on campus?”

“Hel-lo. Do I get a vague hint of what it’s about this time?”

“Only that we’ve got to do it quickly,” I supply. “Something tells me we’re working against a ticking time bomb here.”

“Seriously? Less than a week after Mother Earth shook her sweet ass across the city?”

Another good-natured sound tumbles out. “Afraid so.”

“Okay. Ticking time bomb. Aimed to blow up what, exactly?”

“If I seriously only knew, buddy.”

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