Page 42 of Bridge of Souls

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I reach up and splay my other hand along her hip. But alsointoit, securing my hold with ruthless authority before pushing her back down onto my arousal. Then again. Once more. Each time, our flesh smacks louder. Air bursts off her lips with greater force.

When those explosions are accompanied by high-pitched whines, I compel myself to ease the pace. Except my nervous system is lit up like the 110 during Friday rush hour. But I do it for her. “Am I hurting you?”

And here she comes again, with those gorgeous little gasps. With that alluring little smile. And, more bewitching than both, the perfect clenches of her core. As if she’s gripping me with more than her physical walls.

As if she’s pinning my soul to the center of hers.

A surety that sinks in as soon as her big, sultry browns lock on to me again.

“My beautiful man…” she murmurs. “Isn’t that the idea?”

Her soft challenge brings a rush of comprehension—along with the heat that replaces the stings where she yanks my beard. They’re the same sensation in different forms. Blasts of heat and awareness. A flaring matchstick to my heartbeat, turning the area into a carnal burn zone.

Could this be what she wants me to give her? To show her?

And to show me in return…

That to her eyes, I’m not a beast. Even when my claws are out and my teeth are bared.

I still don’t believe it, not in full—but I’m willing to test it. And I do, by yanking at her hair again. By sucking in the vibrations of her answering moan by leaning up and actually biting her. By savoring the warmth along her carotid and her pulse beneath my tongue. By letting her feel what it all does to my own body, quickening and throbbing along with hers.

The instincts rise higher as she ropes her arms around my neck. But as soon as she bites me in return, they’re something more.

So primitive, as she nibbles at the flesh of my ear.

So heated, as she scores her way down my neck.

But then, as she makes her way to the center of my chest, something beyond definition. Beyond comprehension.

As her mouth settles in the space over my heart, I give into it in full. By using all the places we’re anchored to swiftly flip us over. I topple us both to the floor but hardly care, especially when I see that Kara doesn’t. Her hands and mouth explore me with more ravenous intent. She’s gouging my shoulders and champing my chest, even through my cotton shirt—until, after a frustrated moan, she moves her hands down and tears the thing down the middle.

At once, an appreciative rumble moves through my chest. The sight of her flexing muscles has my erection doing the same. Such blissful demand. Swollen authority. Pounding insistence.

Until that imperial march makes its way into my brain. And takes over.

“Do it again,” I order in a commanding grate. “Only withyourshirt.”

She bites her lip and obeys the order, allowing my gaze to absorb the perfection of her exposed chest. Her creamy flesh and erect nipples…

Holy shit.

I’m no normal animal anymore. I’m a ravenous one.

I drop my head, teeth and tongue at the ready. I dig in, sucking hard and licking long. My groan is wet and hot against her skin. Her cry is high and lusty against my neck. At once, my blood is recalibrated to the rhythm of her pantings.


It’s so damn fierce. It’s so fucking good.

Through the smoke of my senses, I hear my lips slurring out similar words. Everything below my neck is a taut, torrid wire of tension. A coil of blinding light, climbing a spire of cruel need. A beast that’s given in. An animal that needs to conquer.

Exceptshe’salready vanquishedme. Everything I am and every move I make is hers to claim. Every brutal thrust. Every lunge that scoots us farther across the floor. Every drive that eventually takes us to the foot of the bed, where my sweat-drenched demon throws her arms up and grabs a support foot before throwing her head back in a joyous scream.

A bellow moves through me as her shivers surround me. It’s electric thunder in my throat and pure lightning on my lips. It bursts into the air as my body empties into hers…and a bridge of pure energy joins my soul to hers.

And I feel all of her. Iseeall of her in the fires that are crackling to so many depths of her incredible eyes.

Incredible. Incandescent. A brilliant culmination of all her yesterdays, leading into a bright path of all her tomorrows.

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