Page 20 of Bridge of Souls

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It’s urgent and wild. It’s fast and frenetic and free.

It’s magic.

Nothing that makes me drop my shoulders, funnel my mind, or hone my energy. Nothing I have to think about or learn about or focus on. It’s none of those things because it justis. Everything that’s true and right about me. Everything that’s clear and bright about him. Everything that’s simplyus, without expectation or anticipation.

Except maybe one.

The zing of fire he sends through my core and then up my spine. The spark in my mind, igniting to the point that it’s blinding, that he’s really going to do this again. He’s seriously going to send me over the edge, into a cosmos where there’s no light at all.

There’s nothing but the wild flight…

The soaring sensations…

And then the carnal collision.

“Maximus!” I cry out, unable to help myself.

This is good. Really, really good. So perfect that even the shout is ripped off my lips and thrown into deep silence. We’re in a place beyond sound. Past every comprehension I ever fathomed about desire and pleasure. Because officially, these moments are pushing my libido to Mach Twenty.


A hundred?

Again, it doesn’t really matter. That there’s very little I care about right now, beyond every circuit he keeps zapping between the secret spot inside my sex to the grateful receptors in my brain. If Maximus Kane has become my drug of choice, then I’m shamelessly addicted and rejecting all the rehab. I only want more. So much more.

But despite my pouty moan, Maximus slows. But not all the way to stillness. All over his massive form, there’s still a lot of interesting movement. Twitches down his spine and through his ass cheeks. Silent flexings along his limbs. And most awesomely, the tender strokes of his hands, over my hair and down my neck, that quickly have me matching his tremors.

“If you’re going for Professor of the Year, you’ve got one very ecstatic vote.”

He chuckles and gives me a soft peck on the lips. “Well, your check mark might be lonely. There’s only one woman who gets anything like that out of me.”

“Really, now? Tell me more. Who is this wondrous woman?”

He rolls a little to the side, far enough to settle his head atop one hand. “Wondrous is a great word. I’ve been lucky enough to figure that part out already.”

I copy his smirk, even turning to my side a little more. His breathtaking blues deepen, reflecting the sky and trees. His powerful muscles still gleam with his sweat—and mine. His hair, thick and tousled, catches the sunlight in gold and copper striations.

He’s powerful. Regal. Gorgeous.A god.

The god who belongs…to me.

“Already?” I echo his last word so glibly, even I’m impressed by the save. “But it sounds like you’ve learned all the important stuff about her.”

“Like all the ways she’s wondrous?”

There’s no more teasing in his tone. It surrenders to a silky grate that matches his soft touch into the valley between my breasts. I shiver for him, even beneath the light T-shirt that I’ve kept on during our unexpected tryst.

“Like how she’s also my tether to sanity and sorcery at the same time? And how she speeds my heart just from feeling the thrum of hers?” He pushes in at the exact spot from his reference. “And how she’s made it possible for me to accept the darkest secret about myself?”

I grab at his hand, crunching his big fingers as hard as I can. “Your truthisn’tdark, Maximus. It’s not shameful or horrible either.” I lean over, forcing him to meet my relentless stare. “You’re aprince of Olympus. Why aren’t you accepting that with the pride that is your birthright instead of the disgusting brainwashings of Hera and her harridans?”

His stare on me is more determined. “I never told you about all that.”

“You didn’t.” I let go of his hand to brush some windblown strands from his eyes. “But when memories are especially strong or impactful, especially if they’re newly dredged, they’re going to bleed into your current consciousness and feelings. Think of it like hearing a drumbeat in a song. If the kit is bigger or the drummer more motivated, the beat is more discernible. After a remix, maybe that track isn’t so loud anymore. But through a new sound system, the drums are loud again.”

He grimaces. “That makes more sense than I want it to. And…” Then drags a hand through his hair. “Well, fuck. I’m so sorry if—”

“Why? About what?” I playfully nudge his jaw. “It’s not like you can control it. And I know how to tune it out when I want to, which is the case with most people.” I chuckle. “Okay, with all people. But I love all ofyou, Maximus Kane. That includes all that you survived and everything that has molded you into the incredible human you are today.”

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