Page 13 of Bridge of Souls

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He’s thoughtful, turning his face into the intense air. “I can no longer keep you behind villa walls, Maximus. If Hera intended you and Kara harm—and if she’s still planning on it, in any way—I’ll find out. You have my word.”

He swoops up a hand, and the gale intensifies. When it reaches top knots again, he vanishes with it.

I step over, kicking at the circle of cleared sand where he just stood. As I ram a toe at the dry dirt, a cloud of it collects along my boot and pant leg. But the film is thin, ready to be easily whooshed away again.

Totally matching my level of trust for my father and hisword.

Perhaps Kara and I have lucked into one of the best hiding places we could’ve hoped for. For all itskumbayakitsch, Iremia comes complete with a small army of experienced witches who are likely to take strong exception to an unannounced visit from Hera or her minions.

For now, I’ve got to accept that as enough.



I get now why, last night, Hecate labeled this space asoverwhelming.

During breakfast, conversation buzzes around the crackling fire in the sala’s hearth, warding off the canyon’s early morning chill. Aradia and Liseli braid each other’s hair. Morgana brings out some freshly baked scones. Even our leader seems mellower, petting a sweet cat in her lap while residing over the scene with a maternal air.

An hour later, the day is warmer. The fire fades to a smolder. But weirdly, even as everyone starts to disperse for their duties of the day, I continue to feel like someone’s closed the doors in the flue and shut every window in the building.

The feeling doesn’t improve when I turn from the hearth to see Circe and Hecate on purposeful approach. Though their faces are open and smiling, I have flashbacks to my first red carpet appearance. Expectations of what to do and no idea how to fulfill them.

“Hey.” Maximus tucks me a little closer and squeezes my shoulder. “Don’t stress. They’re here to enlighten you.”

“Says the guy who chargrilled Hecate about it last night?”

He doesn’t get a chance for a comeback.

Hecate steps forward, extending both hands. “Kara. You mustbreathefor me. We promise this will be fun.”

“Yeah,” I stammer. “Okay.”

But even after a sweet peck from Maximus and a sisterly smile from Circe, it feels impossible to get enough air. My lungs keep up the valiant effort as the goddess and the enchantress lead me to a circular alcove near the back of the sala. The area has been purposely created like this, with polished stone boundaries that are encrusted at the top with different-colored crystals. A diamond-shaped stained-glass window lets in enough light to coat the area in a rainbow glow.

“Come.” Hecate tugs me toward the middle of the floor, where three woven rugs are arranged in a balanced triangle. “Sit.”

“Andbreathe,” Circe repeats, nearly imploring about it. She plops herself down with crossed legs. “Dead is a great status only for serial killers and vampires with perfect hair.”

“I’m aware.”

I struggle to summon at least half a laugh for her, but Jaden’s the only actor in the family. Luckily, Circe’s okay with that. She extends a friendly hand as I sit next to her. The firm wrap of her fingers is exactly what I need, filled with welcoming warmth and affirming vibrance. I don’t even care if she’s using a spell to boost it. My lungs are able to function again, and it’s nice.

“Ah. That’s it,” Hecate croons as soon as her own hand is linked with mine. As she adjusts her position, all our knees come into contact too. It’s like a circuit being completed between the three of us. “Yes. Deeper breaths now, Kara.Deeper.”

The circuit flickers. Then even more. But how do I say it’s because of her semidramatic overkill? If I wanted a repeat of Master Mohan’s Conscious Breathing class, I’d have stayed at home for a private session. Mother would likely join in and cover the yogi’s tab.

In hopes of gaining an ally in Circe, I dare a glance in her direction. One side of my mouth kicks up once I see she’s mired in equal frustration—until realizing she’s getting impatient withme. Not a lot, but enough to notice. Yet if I’ve learned anything about Circe so far, it’s that her supreme confidence isn’t just the stuff of classic poems, paintings, and stories. She knows how to shred a person’s perceptions with the ultimate of sensual styles.

“Let go and listen to her, diva.” She reaches to squeeze my fingers with an enigmatic smile. “You’ll be glad you did.”

I open my mouth, wanting to call her out for the nickname that belongs more to Mother and Kell than it ever will to me, until my empathy tingles to life. The message there is clear. The croon is actually a compliment.

“I’mtrying,” I mumble.

“I know,” she says sweetly. “So much on your mind. The stresses you’ve been through, all you’re still trying to control…it’s all still here, isn’t it?”

I yank my hand back, only to notice she’s already let me go. “You can read all that…in my mind?”

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