Page 92 of Tainted Rose

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Operation – find out what a dildo is: in progress.

“Makoto! Give it to me.” She moved fast; I probably wouldn’t have caught it without my fast reflexes. I was up and at the edge of the bed in two seconds, Eli on the opposite side ready to take my precious book.

“No. Midnight and I want to finish!” I demanded.

“Oh Starlight, Midnight, too! Both of you, give me the book or else,” she threatened, her eyes began to glitter.

“Or what?” I dared.

The thought of Eli’s ability to temporarily erase an individual’s memories came to my mind.

I wonder if I’ll ever get a chance to confront her about how she erased my memory of Jeffrey?

Her eyes went wide as she froze in place.

“ do you know about that?” she whispered. Sorrow hung off her words.

Aww shit.

“Here’s your chance.”Midnight announced.

I sighed.

“Ryder told me. He said you did it, so I wouldn’t have a panic attack each time I saw him in the halls. Ryder said he would have done the same thing if he was in your shoes,” I explained.

Midnight sat at the edge of my mind, listening in.

“Aren’t you, um, mad?”she questioned.

Not really. I’m upset she didn’t tell me and I had to hear it from Ryder, but her intentions were good. I’m not gonna be upset over it. What’s done is done.

I was ready to hear her excuse, but she stood there before bowing.

My eyes went wide at the sudden gesture, Midnight just as confused and stunned as me.

“I’m sorry for not telling you. I know I should have asked your permission before ridding such memories, but I panicked and well, ya. There’s no excuse. I’m sorry you didn’t hear it from me,” she apologized, staying in position.

I could hear the regret in her voice as she apologized, truly giving off the impression she truly felt bad regarding her quick decision in erasing my memories regarding the Professor Sepherant who we all now knew was Jeffrey. I had been ready to lecture her when the topic was brought up, especially if she dared tried to defend her actions, but now that she’d apologized, I didn’t have any anger in me to be overdramatic.

“Raise your head, EliaseAnne,” I ordered.

She obeyed, her eyes became glossy.

“Eli, don’t cry. I’m not mad. I understand what you had to do. I don’t hate you,” I explained, hoping my admission would calm the potential waterworks.

Eli gave off the impression that nothing concerned her, but I knew she’d have a soft spot, that area being extra tender when it came down to my approval of her.

I was happy she was fine with waiting for me to figure out the relationship developing between her, Midnight and myself.

We needed more time with her and now with Anya’s approaching death anniversary, the person who needed me the most at the moment was Ryder.

“Are you sure?” Her hesitant voice pricked my heart.

“Eli. I’m sure. We’re fine. I’ve known for a while now. It’s fine. You’re forgiven. Just don’t do it again unless you ask permission or have a good reason like previously,” I noted.

She nodded, giving us a moment of silence till her eyes landed on the book in my hand. I smiled mischievously as I lifted the book up and opened to the page I left off.

“Now, what is a double side– EEEK!” I shrieked as I attempted to avoid Eli’s grasp, ducking under her raised arms before rotating my body to face her – my short legs were no match for her long ones as she caught me in one giant leap. We lost our balance; my body fell back, bringing Eli down for the ride as we fell onto the bed.
