Page 78 of Tainted Rose

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He blinked, giving me a confused look. I slid the glasses on; my eyes took a few seconds to adjust to the weird frame.

“There! Nighty, come,” I commanded; the white ball of fur’s head poked up before she jumped off the chair she was sleeping on. She was in my arms and onto my shoulder within five seconds.

I took a final glance at Daniel who looked like he’d won an award with his full teeth smile. I returned back to face the camera. This was the peace I’d yearned for – to finally find somewhere I belonged.

My home.

“Alright, everyone ready. I’m going to countdown,” Eli encouraged. “3-2-1.”



“Mako, wake up.”

I stirred, turning to my opposite side to get away from the heat. My body was exhausted after the fun-filled day I’d experienced yesterday.

The party didn’t end until the wee hours of the night. We had started a campfire and roasted these white, mushy things called marshmallows. Marcus explained it was a human tradition to have marshmallows over the campfire while we told ghost stories. I found out Eli hated ghosts, her arm locked around mine as she huddled against me, trembling at Marcus’ storytelling.

After ten minutes of Eli begging Marcus to stop his ghost stories, and then finding Daniel asleep on the unicorn float, we decided to retire for the night. I made sure to take a picture for memory, adding it to the other hundreds of pictures I had taken. Eli assured me she’d force Marcus to pass by Earthala and get all the photos we had taken developed into an album, where I could add them to mynot so secretdrawer. Guess I would need another drawer.

I’d fallen asleep, while I waited for the boys to finish cleaning up; my head leaned against Eli’s shoulder as she absentmindedly stroked Nighty’s fur who was cuddled in her lap. I only woke up for a moment as Ryder closed the door to his room, holding me in his arms. I relaxed in his strong arms, falling back asleep without an inch of worry.

It didn’t seem like it was morning just yet. Why was someone telling me to wake up? Hmm, no. Still early in my mental clock.

“Makoto. Ryder.”

It took my mind five seconds to process two important things; one was the fact that Midnight was gracing me with her appearance in my mind, and two, I could hear low whimpering from nearby before I felt something furry nudge at my cheek.

I opened my eyes; Nightmare’s turquoise grey eyes stared back at me before she pounced on the pillow, trying to catch my attention.

“Nightmare? What?” I questioned as I sat up; my eyes landed on Ryder, who was the culprit of the whimpering. I reached over him to turn the side lamp on, before placing my hand gently against his chest.

“Ryder? Ryder babe, wake up,” I urged him to wake up from whatever nightmare he was experiencing; his body trembled as sweat dripped down his face; his breathing frantic.

“No. Give her back. Anya, no,” he continued to mumble as he tossed to the side.

I nudged him harder.

“RYDER. Wake up.” I made my voice a pitch louder, power oozed from my words.

His eyes flashed open before he sat up in a rush. I removed my hand, moving back to give him enough space to gather his bearings.

He blinked a couple of times, a tear rolled down his cheek before he looked confused, looking around the room till his eyes landed on me. We stared at each other, his breathing calmed.

“Mako?” he whispered, as I sat next to him.

“Yes, Ryder. Are you okay?” I whispered back, needing to know if he’d calmed down.

It took him a few seconds before he gave me a slow nod. His eyes began to close as he fought to keep upright. I reached out to him, pulling him into an embrace, as his head rested on my chest.

He inhaled deeply and relaxed in my arms.

“Mako. I love your smell. It’s relaxing,” he admitted; his voice was thick with sleep.

I glanced to see his eyes closed; his breathing slowed. “Ryder?” I called out.

No response was given, his breathing evened out. I sighed, getting comfortable as I continued to hold him in my arms.
