Page 7 of Tainted Rose

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“Exhaustion and sleep deprivation. It was only matter of time before his body gave up on him. He hasn’t been sleeping longer than two hours a day for three days straight.” Elias sighed; his hand aimed for the door.

I felt the sudden burst of wind as his hand emitted a soft green light; the heavy metal door closed gently.

I couldn’t sense anyone in this part of the castle, but knowing Elias, he didn’t want to take any chances.

It would be bad for Ryder’s overall image if any of the maids or guards saw him collapsed, on the ground.

We’d just be worrying his mother, not to mention his father would just make him miserable. He had enough on his plate.

“I wish he would rely on us, just like he lets us rely on him. I don’t know how he handles dealing with all our emotions before his own. Not to mention Stryker’s. I bet he’s struggling to not cause any havoc for Ryder’s sake. He’s most likely worried about Rose,” Marcus acknowledged.

The five rays of light that ascended into the sky following our fake death act, was nothing but a decoy; such events part of Midnight’s plan in feigning our deaths, but after the multiple body scans, we couldn’t detect any of her spirits.

It was as if she was an empty vessel, just lying there on life support. It took a week before she was able to breathe on her own; Karen applied oxygen only during the times her saturation was lower than the norm. We had to just wait and see what happened, if she woke up.

Makoto didn’t just push herself to her limit; she surpassed it.

After falling from the edge, she shifted into her dragon; hiding her large body in a cave opening, she had somehow created using her phoenix’s flames.

I honestly had no idea how she was able to use her multiple spirits and still have energy to create the cave opening; let alone, the web she summoned to catch us, as we fell towards the scorching lava.

Once all four of us fell into the net, a glamour sprinkled over the top of us, making us invisible. It was amazing; the tall man with violet eyes couldn’t see us as he peered over the edge, only frowning before walking away.

Once Blair Aspen had finally left, Mako’s dragon came out, flying towards us. She allowed us to climb onto her large back before bringing us back up to the top of the cliff, just as Matthew and other guards flooded through the portal; Nightmare raced ahead.

We thought everything was going to be okay till Mako shifted back, collapsing to the ground. Nightmare frantically nudged at her lifeless body as Karen emerged on the scene thanks to Kai’s assistance.

We went straight into conducting CPR, the series of compressions before mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. It took a strenuous ten minutes before we got a weak pulse; Karen stabilized her as we rushed over to Minato’s best medical center in the heart of the castle; Ryder’s home.

Since then, she’d stopped breathing four times and stayed on life support till her body was strong enough to breathe on its own. Now, she was in a coma, and we truly couldn’t figure out when she would wake up.

That, along with the discovery that her spirits weren’t present within her, was a problem. Karen stated they could have fallen dormant in an effort to help Mako gain enough energy to breathe and recover, but she wasn’t sure.

No one had survived such events before. It was common knowledge, if you surpassed your magic limit, you wouldn’t live to tell the tale.

Now, I prayed Mako would be the first.

“Is Ryder okay?”

We glanced at each other before our eyes landed on Ryder. Kai’s concerned voice reminded us of his presence within our bond.

“He passed out after having a breakdown. He needs to rest,” I explained through our bond.

“He’s afraid of losing the princess. Not to mention having to deal with our levels of anxieties and his family garbage. I’m glad his father left yesterday for a business trip. He needs a break, we all do. I just wish our Princess a speedy recovery.”

I sighed at Kai’s remarks. Our phoenix shifter in the group and fifth star knight. Mako didn’t even get to meet him yet, though I knew she’d shown some interest when told about the origin of his orange stool back at our house in Knightwood.

I prayed she’d get to meet him. Then he would see how utterly amazing she is. He had met her in the worse case scenario, seeing her lifeless pale body, her usual red lips a sickly blue, as we fought to get her to breathe.

“I’ll pray, too. He won’t be able to handle it if...none of us will.”

I couldn’t attempt to finish the statement. I wouldn’t dare speak of it. I knew the power of the mind and I wouldn’t jinx our princess. I hadn’t even gotten to show her my love.

I vowed I would make more time for her and train harder. I wouldn’t waste the hours of the day sleeping, when those same hours could be spent making her smile. Life was sacred, and I had to take advantage of the time we had.

“I’ll take Ryder back to his room. Elias, why are you here? Karen’s going to kill you if she finds you’re out of your room,” Marcus pointed out.

“I hate being in know that. I don’t care if Karen scolds me, I can’t sleep there,” Elias confessed; his voice sounded vulnerable.
