Page 56 of Tainted Rose

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I took her into my arms, taking a few moments to embrace her small frame.

“You were always my protector, weren’t you?” I whispered.

She nudged her head against my cheek, comforting me. To think I’d forgotten about her after all these cycles. I didn’t even remember who she was when I’d received her. It was more than just fate that day when I went to choose my familiar. I guess this is what destiny had planned for me.

“I need to go apologize to Eli and Elias...I guess to all of them. Wanna come with me for moral support. You can always go into scythe form and force them to forgive me,” I persuaded the little familiar.

She jumped, taking her rightful position on my shoulder; her tails wrapped around my neck. I laughed.

“Guess that’s a yes. Either they accept my apology, or they’ll feel my wrath,” I joked, getting out of bed. I grabbed a fresh set of clothes before quietly walking to the washroom. It was still early in the morning and I didn’t want to wake anyone.

Daniel was probably sleeping thanks to last night’s spell, Ryder probably meditating. Marcus would still be training at this time, and Elias could either be sleeping or making breakfast.

I prayed to the gods he was fixing something up, because I felt like I’d faint from being so famished. I noticed as I dried myself after the long, steamy hot shower, that my new clothes were loose. I’d have to ask Eli to tighten the waist band.

I liked all the clothes Marcus bought me and wanted to put them to good use, even if they were loose. I left my hair loose, hoping Daniel would style it for me. Plus, Ryder seemed to love when I left it down.

I was happy the darkness was gone for now. I could focus on fixing things with the boys, removing the tension that was going on, especially with Daniel. I knew I’d be able to fix the problem with Elias and Eli. I wasn’t mad anymore, having said what had been piled in my head for days after waking up.

I didn’t want to admit it then, but I truly missed my best friend. I didn’t know what was going on between Midnight and Eli, or us in general, but I knew I always wanted to be friends regardless of the future outcomes.

I walked aimlessly down the hall, my eyes still heavy with sleep.Maybe I should have slept longer.

Maybe that would have stopped me from walking right into a wall. I cursed, rubbing at my forehead. Nighty snuggled next to my cheek, trying to lick my forehead but missing; her tongue licked my nose.

“Mako? Are you sleep walking again?” Ryder’s voice made me relax as I rubbed at my eyes.

“Ryder, why did you guys put a wall in the middle of the hall? It’s blocking me from food,” I whined.

“There’s our Firefly,” Marcus praised, chuckling.

“I can’t believe she actually called Kai a wall,” Daniel mused, his voice sounded thick with sleep.

“Kai?” I asked, opening my eyes just as the apparent wall, turned around, brilliant amber eyes locking on me. I gawked at the sight; my heart raced at the new shifter before me.

He was six feet for sure, maybe only an inch away from Marcus’ height.

His wind-blown, coiffed hair was a stunning orange.

Holy Starlight, a GINGER!! Like those hot guys in the fashion magazines.

He smiled, his perfectly straight, white teeth making an appearance, only adding to his forbidden sexiness. I wonder if Adam in the bible was this good looking. Maybe that’s why that Eve shifter went and took that apple.

“Princess, that’s not how it went in the bible, but I’m pleased with your admission of liking my ginger hair,” he approved; his calm voice enough to soothe any shifter.

Oh Starlight, please tell me he’s part of my crew of star knights or heavens help my soul. This must be another test. Yes, a test to see if I’ll fall for his handsome features and seductive voice. Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil.

Multiple waves of laughter blared from the corner of the room; my eyes landed on Ryder, Marcus, and Daniel who were sitting on the couches. Marcus was bent over, gripping his stomach while Ryder was shaking his head. Daniel removed his glasses to wipe the tears from his eyes.

“I said that out loud, didn’t I?”

“Mew!” Nighty confirmed, fluffing her fur, before she jumped off my shoulder, running off somewhere in the living room.

I slapped my face and groaned.

At least, I don’t have the others mocking me.

“Attention, Attention. Read all about it. Mako embarrasses herself in front of the handsome shifter,”Rose announced.
