Page 39 of Tainted Rose

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“Mako has explained she has four spirits –Roseline, Hopefilinia, Lilylusha, and Lexinalla.We simply assumed she had fulfilled her requirement, her part of the prophecy in that department. Winter, however, begs to differ,” Matthew concurred. He stood up then paced around the room as he continued on.

“As we’re all aware, Mako dealt with some major problems at the facility; one situation, in particular, was how she acquired her third spirit, Lily. When her best friend was murdered, she released her spirit before her death. Instead of her spirit ascending to Starlight as written in various scriptures, she entered Mako. I can only assume the Starlight gods had allowed such events to occur. However, Winter believes Lily isn’t Mako’s fourth spirit in relation to the prophecy,” he concluded, stopping in his tracks to face us.

I blinked a few times, the words seeped into my brain as I absorbed everything he’d just explained.He doesn’t actually believe...

“If Lily isn’t her designated spirit, then Mako’s going to get one more? But the prophecy stated she would obtain four spirits by adulthood. Mako’s twenty-two cycles, she couldn’t possibly receive one more spirit. Plus, we all know how difficult it is for the brain to carry that many spirits. She already talks out loud as a coping mechanism; I can only imagine what a fifth spirit will do to her,” Marcus lectured; his arms returned to cross over his chest as he continued to control his emotions, being wary of my current state.

“That’s the thing...Mako already has five.”


“WHAT!” Marcus and I yelled.

I glanced at Marcus, seeing his body shiver in anger.

“So, I guess what Rose had said was true...”Stryker announced.

True? What the fuck is true? What did Rose say? Stryker, this is kinda a BIG FUCKING DEAL!

“Hmph, no point crying over spilled milk...well, except if you’re Mako...but whatever. Can’t worry about something when you don’t have enough information,”he retorted, leaving my mind.

I huffed, rolling my eyes. Matthew and Marcus glanced my way.

“Stryker has decided to inform me that Rose mentioned something regarding Mako’s spirit problem,” I muttered.

“Don’t tell me that…Midnight—” Marcus began, but trailed off. It was as if the idea was too fantastical to believe.

“Winter believes Midnight is supposedly Mako’s fourth spirit. But, she needs to see it herself. Midnight doesn’t show ANY signs of being a spirit. She’s powerful yes, but that has been due to vigorous training. All spirits when shifting have a distinct characteristic that gives away their spirit’s species. Midnight has yet to show such an appearance,” Matthew revealed.

Marcus’ eyes landed on Matthew before he responded. “Therefore, this can go two ways; Winterlya comes over and finds out her hypothesis is invalid, OR she confirms that Midnight is Mako’s fourth spirit, thus resulting in Mako having a grand total of five. Anything else?”

“There is one more thing,” Matthew confessed.

Marcus groaned; his hand on his face. I bet he’d love to trash something with how rigid he looked.

“What is it, Matthew?” What else could possibly be wrong with our Firefly?

“We’re gonna need Elyion.”

“You mean EliaseAnne,” I argued.

“Nope, I mean Elyion.”

* * *

Marcus opened the door,holding it open for me to enter when we were greeted by three loud shifters.

“She broke down and used magic,” Kai stated.

There was a moment of silence between them.

I surveyed the room; my eyes landed on a sleeping Makoto, laying on the sofa.

I held the growl that wanted to escape, Stryker’s anger hitting me hard.

I think having one unconscious person in the room is plenty. Don’t contribute to the already, troublesome situation.

Stryker pulled back; his anger eased off my mind.Fuck, I need a nap after this.
