Page 107 of Tainted Rose

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“You mean future mother-in-law, I hope.” She winked before laughing at my gawking expression. I suddenly remembered about the others.

“Um...weird question, but how about if I end up loving more than one man?” My voice was small, filled with hesitation as I looked at the floor.

“Oh sweetie, you mean the other boys? Don’t fret over such human-like morals. Maybe it’s because I’m more in tune with my spirit, but I don’t care about you having multiple mates. With the way Stryker and Azriel fight, I doubt those two would give you up, especially if Azriel has a liking for you. Add that with Elyion and Ryuu and I’d foresee a declaration of war,” she explained.

“What about Kai?” I inquired, curious as to whether he’d react or not.

“Kai would win by default if he participated. All he needs to do is pull out the list of favors those boys have collected and you’re his. My son would probably cheat and use his dark flames to revoke him. He has a competitive side to him which he gets from his Father. They both hate losing.”

All these favors. I’d love to hear all the stories behind these apparent favors the boys owe him.

She shook her head as she approached the oven, taking the oven gloves to pull out my chocolate muffins.

“The timer hasn’t gone—” I began before the little white timer began to ring, shaking in place.

She pressed the button, silencing the annoying sound before placing the muffin tray next to the others to cool; the steam rose as the sweet, chocolate scent sailed across the room; my nose involuntarily took a big whiff.


“I used to cook for five never full shifters. A headache I tell you.”

“Let me guess; Ryder and Daniel playing around, while Marcus laughed at everything, Elias the only one paying attention and Kai sitting in the corner drawing everything out.”

“You know your knights well,” she complimented.

“Your Majest—”

“Please, call me Violet. Such titles are so overused here. Nice to have a change of pace from a young shifter. Everyone else is too afraid to act out. Makes life so boring,” she complained, sighing.

“I could only imagine. You can call me Mako. Um...I have one more question.” I stood up to face her; my face grew serious.

She raised an eyebrow, noticing my change in expression.

“You can ask me anything. What would you like to know?” she encouraged.

“Why does Ryder believe emotions are a weakness?” I questioned with a stern voice.

Violet opened her mouth to answer when another voice interrupted.

“Because a leader doesn’t need such a weakness as emotions bringing him down.”

We both turned to the entrance way, a tall, bulky man entered the room.

From the power leaking off his large, built structure to his dark purple eyes, I could guarantee that the older man before me was King Carter of Minato.

He was six-seven, looking like a giant compared to my height. He had short, black hair combed fashionably to the side and his short, black beard had hints of grey. He only had a few wrinkles where his laugh lines were, appearing older than the queen, who didn’t look older than forty cycles. He wore a simple, black top and black pants, and no shoes as he approached us.

He wasn’t sporting a simple, gold crown like I’d imagined, but I guessed with his overpowering aura, you’d be a complete fool if you couldn’t guess he was the King.

“And you must be the shifter who caused that nuisance to pee all over my floor. I had to get the maids to scrub it before it dried, and the stench couldn’t be removed. I’ll admit, I’m impressed,” he commented reaching his wife’s side.

“Or you can admit that it was the most entertaining showdown you’ve seen in rotations. I saw you struggling. Hiding from that annoying man, like a child. If it wasn’t for the presence of her uncle, you would have laughed your head off.” Violet smirked before leaning on her tiptoes to kiss her husband who didn’t hesitate to return the gesture, giving her a serene smile as they wished each other good morning.

“He really loves her,” Midnight whispered, emerging in the back of my mind. He truly does love her. You can see it in his eyes and the way he smiles.

Violet burst out laughing as the King blushed.

“It seems that habit hasn’t left you,” Violet praised.
