Page 28 of Monster Girl

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I’m cut off when Nessa’s whole body jerks as though she’s possessed, until she shoots upright, those beautiful gold eyes now red, swirling with black as figures begin appearing throughout the room. I swallow hard as they take shape. Probably around thirty fill the room, all of them the same, and when their forms finish their transformations every hair on my body stands on end. They’re little girls who can’t be older than ten, but they’re wrong. Torn clothing hangs off twig thin limbs and soulless black pits replace what should be eyes. I swallow hard and flinch when as one their heads all turn to focus on the hooded figure who is waking up.

My already tight muscles bunch even more when one of them speaks.

“Ethan? Why?” It comes out tri-layered and I take a step back on instinct. Something is wrong, and I have no clue what it is. I freeze when what she said actually registers.Ethan? Holy shit. Dylan’s roommate Ethan? What sort of coincidence is that?

“Ethan! Why? Why? Why?” I cringe as the one speaking’s voice rises in volume and pitch with each word, but it’s the hooded figures reaction that has me intrigued. He shoves his hood back, revealing Ethan. His pallor is sickly white, eyes wide with fear. Yeah, I’m definitely missing something.

“I-I’m s-sorry. I didn’t k-know.”

The girl's head tips back and a dark laugh rumbles out. It has chills rolling down my spine and in my peripheral vision Dylan jerks back like he wants to run the fuck away. Yeah, I’d be down with that. My hands fist and release, careful not to pinch Lexi as I try to shake out some of the tension in my body. I risk a glance back at Nessa and find her face so pale it has a blue sheen, her eyes are still red, but blank like she’s completely out of it and fully terrified as well. My head whips around to meet Dylan’s eyes, something’s wrong. Before I can voice my opinion, one of the little demon spawns starts talking again.

“Ethan, why didn’t you save us? We needed you. Ethan! Why? Why? Why?” The girl ends on a shriek and suddenly multiple gory wounds appear all over her body, blood coating her in seconds, until she’s covered and leaving a trail on the ground as she and her fellow clones advance on Ethan who honestly looks like he’s moments away from shitting himself—I don’t blame him.

Just before they can reach him everything goes to hell, Nessa lets out an ear piercing scream and releases a wave of panicked magic that knocks everyone in the room to the floor and has my ears ringing something fierce. I groan, pressing one hand to my head as I sit up, my entire body aching like it was hit by a truck, then reversed over just to make sure it wasn’t going to get up again. It doesn’t help that I broke Lexi’s fall so I’m going to be one giant bruise, but I let out a breath when I realise she’s still breathing so she couldn’t have been too hurt from the fall.

An audible grunt and curse sound from my side and I force my eyes open to survey the carnage, half terrified I’ll find those demon girls splattered around the room, but thankfully they’re gone. Less thankfully, Ethan appears to be gone as well. “Fuck,” I mutter before setting Lexi down gently and getting to my feet to help Oscar and Dylan up as well. Nessa’s out cold and the other two seem as shell-shocked as me at the knowledge that Ethan’s the killer.

“Well, that was an absolute clusterfuck.” Oscar meets my eyes and nods. Dylan appears to be in shock, so I don’t expect a response. Glancing around the carnage of the room, I groan again. Well, happy fucking term one, I suppose.
