Page 26 of Monster Girl

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A warm hand landing on my shoulder has me jolting back to the present. I turn around and clutch Corin’s hand, fiddling with his fingers as I disclose what I know. “I have her location. She’s still on the school grounds.”

“Like all the other students…” Dylan whispers with a grimace. I nod, setting my features into a mask of nonchalance. They need to think I have my shit together, especially Corin. As I meet his eyes I can’t help but get the sense that he knows more than he’s letting on. That he’s hiding something from us. But I don’t have any ground to stand on, we’re nothing more than tentative friends currently and I have my own secrets. I don’t need his on my plate as well unless they pertain to me.

Dylan steps closer so the three of them are in a loose semi circle in front of me. Supporting me from all sides. “What do you want to do? If we can’t go to the teachers…”

I roll my bottom lip between my teeth. “I’m going to get her, but I don’t expect you guys to get involved. I understan—”

“I’m in. Where do you need me?” Dylan interjects, those bright blue eyes practically arctic as they watch me as though he can convey his willingness through a look alone.

“Me too.” My focus shifts to the Mountain Man in surprise. I know we’ve gotten to know each other a little better with this assignment, but I didn’t expect him to offer his help.

The back of my eyes burn as I fight tears.I’m not alone, it’s going to be okay.My gaze darts to Oscar, I know he doesn’t want to risk being on the bad side of the academy which I completely understand and I don’t expect anything from him. My lips part as I go to reiterate that but he speaks before I have the chance.

“I’m in as well. What’s the plan?” I swallow hard, my throat constricting with emotion as my eyes dart between them.I will not cry, I will not cry. To avoid that I spin back around to my computer screen and reassess the storage room. There’s only one access point—the door. So we don’t exactly have the element of surprise, especially if it’s warded, which you’d expect in a situation like this.

Then again, unless you’re a janitor or looking for a hookup, you’re just going to walk right past a storage closet like that. As I shove my emotions aside a plan starts to take shape, this time including the guys.

Spinning back around I study each one of them individually, mentally running through what I know of their power rankings and abilities. “First is weapons. I’m not sure about you and Dylan, but I’m pretty sure Corin is capable of conjuring them?” I cock my head to the side, directing my question at the Mountain Man.” After a few moments of hesitation Corin gives a firm nod and my shoulders sink in relief. I have no idea if I’d have the juice to conjure weapons for everyone. I check my watch before ducking into my room to find a dark set of tight fitting clothing that I’ll be able to fight in. “It’s still early afternoon so most students should be in class or back at their dorms. We’ll just have to be cautious and act normal. If she's in a warded off area then we’ll have to be aware of those as well,” I call from in my room, careful to keep out of the guy's view.

I move back out of the room and pause as Dylan sheepishly raises his hand as though he’s in class. My brows raise and a smirk crawls onto my face, while the guys have a similar reaction and twin spots of pink appear high on his cheeks. He drops his hand, shifting on his feet as he clears his throat. “Have I mentioned that my neutralising ability extends to wards I touch?”

I suck in a breath at the new information, my tactical brain going insane.Holy shit. He would be a priceless addition to a tac-team. Corin curses under his breath before running a hand through his hair. “Are any of the staff aware of your ability?” His usually quiet, rumbly voice is hard as he barks the question and I freeze at the new edge of dominance. A shiver rolls through me and an intense craving to please him has me wrangling with the urge to fall to my knees.Goddess, what the heck was that?I struggle to shake off the desire, biting my cheek until I taste blood to snap out of it.

Dylan’s answer comes almost immediately and his voice shakes slightly as he speaks. “N-no, not that I know of. I’ve only used it a few times, but I know it works on a few around the school.” He swallows visibly after spitting out the words and ducks his head, readjusting his glasses in a nervous gesture. I have to physically fight the urge to comfort him, while instead an invisible war wages inside me as I decide whether to confront Corin on whatever the hell that was or to haul ass to find Lexi.

Ultimately my need to help Lexi outweighs this new revelation and I move into my bathroom and change quickly. When I re-emerge I race around the apartment finding my spelled weapons, strapping them to me as I go. I then get Dylan to tell me what he prefers to use weapon wise while Corin makes some for himself and Oscar. They both admitted that conjuring isn’t their strong suit. Once they’re all ready I stand in front of them, grim determination radiating through me. “Okay, let’s go.”

The guys all nod and follow me as I move towards her location at a fast clip, including Unicorn who flies over to perch on my shoulder.

We’re coming Lex.

Chapter Thirty-Three —

Agrinpullsatmy lips as I stare down at my new canvas.

So clean.


Not for long, though.

I run the tip of my blade over grey skin and pretty gold scales, relishing in the muffled scream that comes from beneath her gag.

Blood pools along the neat line I just created.

Hmm, so many possibilities.

I bring the blade to her skin again, pressing over the same spot as before and let out a laugh as it comes faster.

The tang of metal fills the space alongside the mildewy scent already permeating the area.

My fingers dance over skin as I use a long metal scalpel to convey my message, weaving magic into the movement.

Come and get me.

Chapter Thirty-Four — Nessa

Wemoveasonetowards the storage room that her tracker pinged from and the tension between the four of us is palpable. I focus on controlling my breathing.Battle mode. I need to focus.
