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I purchased a ticket for the Red Line C stop at Versailles. Locals and tourists packed the train, and while the ride seemed fast, in reality, it took over an hour.

“Palace of Versailles was a voluptuous timepiece. Its design is the epitome of opulence, grandeur, and unparallel beauty. Welcome.Bienvenue,”a tourist guide stated as we reached the golden gate entrance near the courtyard of Petit Trianon.

I beamed. “Merci.”

The massive estate stood in front of us, andI had every intention of starting in the gardens, but how could I miss the chance to walk the dramatic Baroque phenomenon where Louis the Great, the Sun King, brandished power over France?

Once inside, I understood why Tomas insisted Versailles was a must-see.

I was utterly entranced and wished Paul was at my side to take in the splendor.

Then again, he’d probably seen it hundreds of times.Still, my insides tingled at just the thought of him.

As I walked with a tour group, I dug through my bag for my phone to take a video to show my parents later beforeswitching to photos. I captured image after image as we moved through rooms of marble and gold, with crystal chandeliers and rich, elaborately painted compositions on vaulted ceilings. There were adorned medallions on doors with shiny gold and bronze sculptures.The eye stays engaged here.We grouped through the Salon of War, the Salon of Peace, and the Cabinet des Chiens—even the dogs slept grand.

While there was so much more to see, I thought of Aubrey and Paul. This style influenced the home where Paul took me the first night. He went out of his way to give her a place of her dreams that she never got to see.Perhaps it was better he didn’t come. It would probably make him sad.

I hadn’t received a message from him on my phone.But I’m sure Andre told him where I’d gone.The nagging part of my mind reminded me I needed to return for dinner with Bijou Star tonight. But after Linux, I no longer wanted to go. Could I call Paul and ask him to go without me?

I decided to leave the group to head to the famous Hall of Mirrors. Nothing could compare to the sight of the enormous windows running the length of the hall and the view of the majestic gardens. I took out my phone and filmed what I could, but I stared for a while to hold the picture in memory.

“There are three hundred and fifty-seven mirrors to capture the sun. The sun rises and falls under the command of the Sun King.” An older man approached me with a smile. “I’m taking the golf cart. Would you like to join me for a ride around the gardens?”

I shook my head but returned the smile. “Sorry.Merci.”

However, he gave me an idea.

I followed him to find the place to rent one and climbed on. It was almost too easy. Where had everyone gone?

I drove past the flowers, fountains, fruit trees, and manicured shrubbery, following the signs along the path.

Taking out my sketchbook, I drew some ideas for patterns on textiles. Embroidery?I wasn’t sure, but the blooms in the setting sun looked like they were on fire.The setting sun!

“Mademoiselle?” A worker rode up in a cart and parked it next to mine.

“Yes, sir?”

“You must return the cart.” He switched to English for me. “We are closed.”

I took out my phone, but there were no bars. Sitting down on a bench, I checked through my bag for the card Andre gave me but couldn’t find it. All I had was Paul’s address in Paris. My pulse picked up, and my stomach soured.

I went to the metro and waited to speak to an attendant at the station. “Ou et la rue?” I held out my map and pointed.

“Where do you want to go?” he asked back in English. I showed him the address and map.

“That’s in Paris. Take the train and get off here.” He drew a line on his station map. “There, you’ll have to ask someone on the street or take a taxi.Bon chance.”

“Merci,” I said and smiled.

The train seemed to stop at every station, making the trip even longer than it had felt heading to Versailles. Although it was a wonderful opportunity to consider all I’d seen and done today. I couldn’t wait to tell Mom and Dad about the time spent with Tomas.“You’ve got a good eye, but you lack confidence. You should come here for our mentoring internship.”What an enormous compliment to receive. And then to simplytake a trainto Versailles. It had always seemed such a faraway dream, and I had gone—on my own—today. I flicked through my photos again and was simply in awe.

When I next looked up, the train was approaching my station, and it was dark.Shit. What time is it?

I took out my phone to call Paul, but the battery was dead.

What am I going to do?

Above ground, I waved to a taxi and then pointed at the address.
