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We then went to menswear, and I pleaded with Xander to get an outfit as a thank you. While he tried them on, I found a leather bomber jacket and a printed T-shirt that I wanted to give Paul.For his casual days. The colors picked up the blue in his eyes. My body warmed, thinking about how he looked into my eyes when he kissed me.

“These two items are a gift,” I said to the salesperson, handing over the card and ID.

“You whipped that card right out,” Xander pointed out with pleasure in his voice.

I did it mainly because I was only thinking about the gifts, not myself.

But even with all I had, I really wanted to see more of Paul.

Just a few more days.

My phone chimed with a text from Paul once the two of us were back in the car, and my pulse quickened.

Paul: How was shopping? Did you find things for your studio?

I sent back:

Nadia: Xander suggested a consultant, but I’m thinking a couple of sewing machines. And an ironing board?

Paul: I’ll have Nichole schedule the designer who set the place up and one who does fashion studios.

Nadia: You can’t do that. I like the show furnishings. They’re fine. I’ll just get a sewing machine to use.

Paul: It’s done

“Leave it, Nadia,” Xander pleaded after I told him about the designers for the studio.

But I called Paul anyway.

“Please don’t do that,” I blurted out when he answered.

Xander scoffed.

“Why not, Nadia? It’s a problem I can help you resolve. I want you happy and comfortable at your place.”

I opened my mouth and then closed it, remembering Xander’s warning. Paul wants you to have fun. And if I start arguing with him…he’ll end things sooner.

“Thank you…thank you so very much, Paul.”

“You’ve very welcome, Nadia.”

“Will you come back soon?” I cringed at how clingy I sounded, and my face heated. I know Xander heard me, though he pretended to be absorbed in his phone.

“I miss you, too. I’ll try to come back sooner.”

We ended the call, and I touched my smile.

“Oh, Nadia…” I braced myself for Xander’s admonishment, but instead, he hugged me. “Don’t ever change. You’re perfect.”

I smiled and wished I could believe him.

And just like that, Xander and I were standing in the studio with a designer and her team. They were adding sewing machines, a pressing and ironing station, a panoramic mirror for models, a computer with the latest software, and mounted flat-screen televisions for craft demonstrations, review fashion shows, and use as overall background entertainment. They even arranged a nook for seating. Before I could worry about the cost, Xander had us using our fabric from Mood, and I became lost in designing.

He stayed over for a few days but was ready to return to the dorms and his mysterious partner, who he promised he would introduce me after their “honeymoon phase,” whatever that meant. But it was evening, and I had to speak to Mom. I asked him for advice.

“Tell your mom as much of the truth as you can. Let her have her feelings about it, but talk to her. Agata is the mostunderstanding person I know. She let me stay over and never questioned me once she had my story.”

I could see the dark place Xander’s mind went. He had the same look when his dad would beat him whenever he refused to steal for him. Mom left our door open anytime, and she only asked that Xander share everything with her, so she knew the truth.

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