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Mila lifted it, taking a sip and closing her eyes. It really was an exquisite leaf blend Maggie had created.

“Mila is an athlete,” Leonidas interjected. With pride? She tried not to let that go to her head.

“What kind of athlete?” That was Thanasi. She turned to find him appraising her and then, he smiled, to soften the question.

“Figure skating,” she responded.

“Of course, that makes sense,” Thanasi nodded his agreement.

“Does it? Why?”

“You’re so dainty and elegant. I was trying to imagine what sport you might have gravitated to.”

Dainty and elegant were words that had been used to describe her before, so Mila couldn’t explain why they brought a hint of pink to her cheeks now. Perhaps it wasn’t Thanasi’s words so much as the way Leonidas was staring at her, with a look on his face she couldn’t interpret. Frowning quickly, she turned back to Maggie, who had a question of her own.

“Where do you compete, Mila?”

“All over. In a couple of months, I’ll be in Zurich for the International Championships.”

“Have you ever been in the Olympics?”

“Yes, and the Commonwealth games.”

“Goodness me, you must be very, very good.”

“She is.” The words burst from Leonidas and then he stood abruptly, moving away from the charming table that had been set up on the terrace, turning his back on them as he looked towards the view.

“Have you ever won a medal?” Thanasi asked. Mila drew her gaze away from Leonidas, but not before she saw him flinch a little at the question.

“Yes,” she nodded, sipping her tea, but didn’t expand. There was no way to say you’d won several gold medals without sounding as though you were bragging.

“It’s such a fascinating sport. I’d love to see you perform. Are there any clips online?”

“I—yes,” Mila nodded in response to Maggie’s question. “Clips of me performing, clips of me falling,” she said with an exasperated gesture towards her ankle. “That’s how I got in this mess,” she said, gesturing towards her foot.

“You were injured?”

“I broke my ankle. It was a disaster. The timing of it could barely have been worse. I should be training hours a day at the moment, and instead, I’ve had to take six weeks off to heal.”

“How frustrating that must be,” Maggie sympathized.

“Yes, absolutely. I’ve worked so hard and if I can’t perform at my best at Internationals, it will all be for nothing.” She roused herself from those frustrating thoughts. “But that’s enough wallowing. My ankle is almost fully healed and next week, I’ll be back at training,” she said, so overbright it was like her words were coated in diamonds.

“I’m glad to hear it. Thanasi, you’ll have to show me how I can watch the Championships. I’ll cheer for you, Mila.”

“I’m sure that will help,” Mila smiled, sipping her tea.

“Mila, is there anything you don’t eat?” Maggie’s next question came completely out of left-field.

Mila shook her head. “I generally have a very strict diet, but it doesn’t exclude anything. Why do you ask?”

“So I can let the chef know, for dinner.”

Mila frowned. “I wasn’t sure—,”

“We won’t be staying for dinner,” Leonidas muttered, turning to face them. Mila felt her spine tingle.

“You must,” Maggie contradicted. “I haven’t seen you since…that day,” Maggie’s voice faltered as she referred to the funeral, “and now you’ve arrived with a charming friend—and someone from home. I can’t have you whisk her away so soon, before I’ve had a chance to get to know her properly. Stay the night.” Then, to Mila. “As you can see, space is not a problem we have here.”

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