Page 20 of Santa's Curvy Baby

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“Me too.”


I told my parents I was bringing guests and let them know we’d be late. Mrs. Steinheim and Rosie both needed a fresh change of clothes but there weren’t many places open to shop on Christmas Day. After wrangling a modest wardrobe and getting cleaned up, we were on our way to my parents’ house.

A flurry of nerves like buzzing bees vibrated in my stomach as I pulled into the driveway. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d brought a girl home to meet my parents. Then again, could I really claim I was doing that now? Rosie and Mrs. Steinheim had no home of their own on Christmas and this was simply a way to bring them a little holiday cheer in an otherwise depressing situation. Besides, Rosie and I hadn’t really talked about where we stood in our relationship status…

Were we dating? Or was it just about the sex?

My parents met us at the door, waving us inside with big smiles.

“Mom, Dad,” I said. “This is Mrs. Steinheim. And this is Rosie Simmons, my…”

I faltered and glanced at her. But she didn’t miss a beat. Rosie stepped forward and extended her hand.

“I’m his girlfriend.”

I stared at Rosie. She shot me a small, private smile, with a bashful pink coloring her cheeks.

“Jay Daniel Lawson,” Mom said in a mock stern voice. “You didn’t tell us you were seeing someone! And she’s so sweet! Please, come in, come in. We are so happy to have all of you join us.”

She scooped Rosie up into a crushing hug before moving on to Mrs. Steinheim and kissing her cheek.

“Jay told us what happened to your homes,” Dad said as he patted Mrs. Steinheim’s hand. “We are so truly sorry to hear about such a tragedy. Gloria and I put together some spare sheets and some extra clothes you’re welcome to take with you.”

“You’re so kind,” Rosie replied. “You didn’t have to do that.”

Dad squeezed her shoulder.

“It’s the least we could do. And if you need anything else at all, we’re happy to help.”

Mom gestured into the house.

“We held off eating until you showed up. The buffet table is all ready for you so please help yourselves.”

As Mom and Dad led Mrs. Steinheim into the kitchen, I caught Rosie’s elbow and pulled her closer.

“Girlfriend, huh?” I said. “That’s the first time I’m hearing about it. Just out of curiosity, when did it become official?”

She shifted to face me, her fingertips tracing the outline of the buttons on my shirt.

“Probably about the time you ran into a burning building to save Mrs. Steinheim. I realized that I could have lost a very good man right then and I…I didn’t like that feeling.”

I nodded, covering Rosie’s hands with mine.

“You were worried about me?” I asked softly with a hint of teasing in my tone.

“Don’t make fun of me, Jay, I swear,” Rosie replied, laughing.

I brushed my knuckles against her cheek, trailing my thumb over her chin.

“Yeah, well, if it makes you feel any better, I thought I was going to have a panic attack when dispatch relayed the call and Chief Wright told me your house was the one on fire. So I’d say we’re even.”

Rosie’s smile faltered and she grew serious. Rising up on tiptoe, she slid her arms around my neck, and I wrapped my arms around her waist in return. I could have stayed there holding her all day. Her hair smelled like vanilla soap instead of smoke. Her skin was clean and soft instead of gritty and blackened with soot. And she wassafe.

But she needed something normal, too. She needed a Christmas celebration.

“Let’s go track down some food,” I said, wrapping my hand around hers.

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