Page 25 of Kissed By Kringle

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“Is Aunt Haley okay?” Brenda asked.

Theo nodded. “She’s going to take a little break.”

“I can get you some ice,” Mom said.

I waved them off and pushed Chase away when he tried to follow. But I kept a tight grip on Theo’s hand, grateful for the excuse that he was helping me to the house.

“Please don’t stop on my account. I was getting cold anyway. I’ll warm up some hot chocolate so it’s ready when you come back inside.”

“I should be waiting on you hand and foot to make up for this,” Chase called after me.

“Oh, don’t worry,” I called over my shoulder as Theo led me away. “I won’t let you get away with this.”

Chase mumbled something and nudged at the snow with the toe of his boot. Then Johnny lobbed a small snowball at Chase’s chest and the fight resumed.

Theo and I were barely in the door before he stopped and pulled me against him. He stripped off my gloves, rubbing my hands between his own.

“You’re freezing,” he said. “Hot shower. Right now. And after that, I’ll be making the hot chocolate while you take some painkillers to keep the swelling down.”

“Bossy,” I muttered playfully, glancing up at him through my lashes.

Theo thumbed at my chin. “I’m not a fan of you sporting bruises, babe. I’m the one who plays hard. You’re supposed to be sitting inside, safe and warm with your books so I don’t have to worry about you.”

I raised my eyebrows.

“You’re worried about me?”

Theo shrugged. “Yeah,” he said simply, as if it was obvious. “Because you’re my girl.”

I bit the inside of my cheek as my heart swelled. He smiled softly at me, delicately brushing his thumb over my bruise. Then he scooped me into his arms and I yipped with laughter, looping my arms around his neck and shoulders.

“Come on,” Theo said. “Let’s get you warmed up.”

He carried me up the stairs and into the bathroom. After setting me on the edge of the tub, Theo turned on the water, testing the temperature until it was warm enough. I unzipped his coat, sliding my hands inside.

“Can I convince you to join me?” I asked.

Theo breathed a quiet laugh and caught my wrist. He sheltered my hand in both of his palms, rubbing his thumbs over my knuckles and fingers.

“As soon as you flash those pretty brown eyes my way, I’m a goner and you know it.”

I grinned and stood up, pushing Theo’s coat off his shoulders as he unbuttoned my own coat. Within seconds, I’d stripped off his sweater, jeans, and boxers. He’d tugged off my leggings, turtleneck, panties and bra. His gaze roamed over me as he guided me into the shower.

“Tomorrow, right?” he said. “We’re telling your family about us tomorrow.”

I nodded, despite the twist in my stomach at the thought.

“Thank God,” he muttered. “All this sneaking around is driving me crazy.”

When I laid my hands against his chest, Theo sucked in a sharp breath.

“You’re still cold.”

“Sorry,” I murmured.

Theo took my hands, peppering them with kisses as I stood under the hot spray of water. When my fingers were no longer frigid, he tugged my arms around his waist, coaxing me to hold onto him. Then he pressed me against the shower wall, the warm, firm length of his muscled body pressed to the soft curves of mine.

As he closed the wet heat of his mouth over my neck, his big hands seemed to be everywhere at once - teasing my nipples, squeezing my hips, clutching my waist, before he finally pushed two fingers inside me.

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