Page 5 of Hell's Gates

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“Didn’t she have half the candy aisle on her bed when I got there?”

“Jay.” Her voice is stern.

“You got it. Funnel cake here we come.”

I follow like a baby duck, keeping my attention on them and not the eeriness around us. Suddenly, I can feel eyes on me. The fine hairs stand up on the back of my neck.

This is going to be a very long night.

The sweet smell of fried sugar fills the air, and I’m finally excited about something for the first time since we got here. All the best carnival foods are laid out before me on a backlit menu. The normally bright yellow and red painted food carts are decked out in black and blood red. As well as wrapped in fake spider webs and purple lights.

But that’s not going to stop me from getting some funnel cake sticks.

I tell Kate what I want before heading to the small tables set off to the side. The feeling of being watched returns, but this time I have a reason to worry.

The violent sound of metal against something hard catches me off guard just as sparks fly across the ground as a large shadowy figure comes barreling right for me.

The scream that leaves my body could blow eardrums.

The mass stops right at my feet, growling.

It’s a man!

He stands, giving me an amused smirk, exposing a fang hidden behind a thick beard. His irises are white from contacts. The sight is unnerving and unnatural.

My whole body is shaking, so I take two large steps back, getting away from him. I’m a generous five foot eight, but he towers over me like it’s nothing. I nibble on my lip, trying to keep in any more shouts, as he stares down at me.

Please don’t pee your pants, Alexis. That would be way worse.

“You, my little pet, look good enough to eat.” His voice is deep with a gravelly texture to it.

He is terrifying. I’m absolutely riddled with panic, but the sound of his voice has goosebumps spreading across my skin for a whole different reason.

“Oh man, you’re quite the sight. Truly terrifying,” Jay says from behind me.

I pull my gaze from the scary monster and find a seat as far away as I can, where Kate joins me. I fight the urge to look back to where I can feel him watching me.

It’s too soon to flirt with some stranger, especially one in this setting looking that terrifying.

After we finish our snacks, we start to walk through the area, getting our bearings on where they’ve placed all the different events.

The place has four haunted houses, a maze, various boardwalk style games with creepy twists, and a huge firework show.

Kate takes notes of what happens at different times as we get in line for the first house. The entrance is decorated like the doors of a hospital, with ER painted big and red across the front, but instead of clean, crisp letters, they’re crooked and dripping. When the revolving black light hits the door, invisible handprints of various sizes cover it almost entirely.

This is going to be a blast.

“Are you nervous?” Kate asks over Jay’s shoulder.

“Yeah, but that’s the whole point. I’m sure it’s worse in my head.”

Loud laughter breaks out in the line behind us, and I jump.

I’m so on edge today. I’m not a wuss. Well, outside this place. But with heightened anxiety after today’s events, I can’t seem to just get a grip and try to enjoy this. I’m supposed to be scared, get my heart rate up, and mix up the monotony of this Monday night.

There are no tickets to scan or wristbands to check since the main one gives you access to everything this place has to offer. So the line shortens quickly. We are close enough now that I can feel the chill of the fog that is pumped out around our feet.

“Enjoy,” a spooky, unseen voice says through a surround sound system as our group steps through the doors into a dark hallway. The only thing telling us where to go are glowing arrows painted on the ground.

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