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What? No way.

She pointed at the door.

“No, you’re not going out there.”

She narrowed her gaze. He wasn’t the boss of her.

“I don’t like the look on your face. Let me make that clear. Touch that door and you’re in trouble, baby girl. I’ll smack your bottom until you completely forget about flying and put you to bed on your tummy.”

They stared at each other before she looked away. Drat him.

“Come on. Show me where your bed is.”

But she didn’t want to go to bed. She let out a pitiful sigh and gave him her best sad look.

“If you’re a good girl and get ready for bed, I’ll read you a story.”

She thought about that. On the one hand, she really wanted to try her new-found flying skills. They were going to be epic. But on the other hand, Brick did have this really sexy voice. And when he read to her, she got chills all through her body.

Okay, she supposed she could go flying tomorrow. That skill wasn’t going anywhere. She slid her hand into his and she led him into the bedroom.

He stilled and took in her bed as she moved to her bookcase to choose a book. Ah, there was another favorite book of hers. It was by CJ Bennett, about a Little with three daddies. Juliet wasn’t sure she could handle one Daddy, and this girl had three riding her butt. And smacking it. A lot.

Turning, she found him running his hand along the top rail of her bed. She gave him a curious look.

“Haven’t seen a bed like this. Looks comfy and safe.”

She handed him the book.

“Right. I thought you might want a fairy tale or something. But this makes more sense.”

She didn’t know what he was talking about. She needed to get changed. She grabbed her pajamas and headed towards the attached bathroom.

“Do you need help, Duchess?” he asked.

Help? Why would she need help? She stumbled into the doorway with a giggle. He came over and steadied her.

“I think I should help you.”

There was some reason why that was a bad idea, but what was it? She hummed a tune as he helped her pull the dress over her head. She noticed he kept his gaze averted as he handed her a pajama top. She was just wearing a camisole with a built-in bra, since her boobies were like two fried eggs. Nothing much to see. She slid on the satin, long-sleeved pajama top over her camisole. But didn’t do up the buttons. Then he held out her pants for her to step into.

“Hold onto my shoulders.”

She grasped hold then put her feet in, grabbing the bottoms to pull them up.

Oops, she had to pee. She moved towards the toilet.

“I’ll wait in the bedroom.”

She peed, washed her hands and brushed her teeth, then clumsily made her way back into the bedroom. Brick was waiting there with some painkillers and water, which he insisted she take.

Then he led her over to her bed. Crawling into it, she climbed under the covers and grabbed her pacifier with her favorite blankie attached.

But when she put it into her mouth, it just didn’t have the right feel. Something started to build in her tummy. A nervousness that she couldn’t pin down. Something was wrong.

She shuddered out a breath.

“What’s wrong, Duchess?” Brick sat next to her bed on a bean bag he’d dragged over. He looked kind of funny, like he was about to topple out of it at any moment. She guessed they didn’t make mountain man-sized beanbags. Or maybe they did, she just didn’t own one.

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