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The truck came to a stop, and she found herself sliding along the backseat of his truck, his fingers still in her mouth. Huh, when had he undone their seatbelts? Had she been wearing one? She hoped so. It was dangerous to drive without a seatbelt.

“Need help?” Elias asked.

“I got it,” Brick told him as he pulled her up against his chest. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, trapping his arm between them as she continued to suck on his fingers.

“Yeah, we can see that. Ouch, Elias, stop hitting me!”

“Leave them alone,” Elias replied. “We’ll secure the place. You take care of Juliet.”

“On it.”

Where were they going? Hey, this was her house. Cool. They were going up the stairs? And he was carrying her.

Whoa. He was strong.

She continued to suck and lightly chew on his fingers. A feeling of contentment ran through her. Sure, it could be the booze. But she was pretty sure it was Brick.

He’d claimed her. In front of everyone.

People in Wishingbone took that seriously. She hoped he did too.

Suddenly, they came to a stop. She looked around. This wasn’t her room. They were outside one of the spare bedrooms. Was this the one he was sleeping in?

But she wanted to go to her room.

“Duchess, you listening to me? Look at me.”

Uh-oh. She got the feeling he might have been trying to talk to her for a while. She drew her mouth away from his fingers to smile up at him.

“Jeez, you’re a lightweight, baby.”

She wondered why she’d never taken up drinking before. This was fun. Then again, it might not be fun without Brick watching over her.

“Hey, listen to me. You want to stay with me in my room?”

She shook her head. That would be a no, rubber-ducky.

“You want to go to your room?”

Ten-four, rubber-ducky.

“Okay, easy, you keep nodding like that, and your head is going to fall right off the end of your neck.”

She giggled. That was just silly.

“I don’t want to leave you on your own, though.”

Sleep-over! She’d never had one of those.

“Your brother said we weren’t to go into your rooms unless you were in danger. You sure you’re okay with me in there?”

Why wouldn’t she be? Silly. She pointed towards the stairs then tightened her thighs around him.

“Are you trying to ride me like a horse?”

Ooh, now that was an idea. She wondered if she had something that would work as a bridle?

“I don’t like the look on your face. Fuck, I hope this isn’t a bad idea. Just in the morning, try to remember that you insisted on staying up here.”

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